
Pangandaran  Beaches will be Your Perfect Place to Go on the Weekend

Jumat, 03 September 2021 - 02:26 | 50.02k
Pangandaran Beach always becomes the locals favorite place to ho for some pleasure. (Photo : Syamsul Ma'arif/TIMES Indonesia)
Pangandaran Beach always becomes the locals favorite place to ho for some pleasure. (Photo : Syamsul Ma'arif/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PANGANDARAN – The government has lowered the social restriction level. They have allowed several tourist destinations and some other public places to be reopened including several beaches in Pangandaran.

People starting to flock together and visit those beaches in Pangandaran. However, the management still limit the number of the visitors to those areas. They also urge them to follow the protocols i.e mask mandate and to sanitize their hand casually.

Most of the visitors coming to these places are those local community who live nearby. They were coming with their friends and some time with their family. They just wanted to enjoy the beauty of Pangandaran beaches after so long.

Most of beaches in Pangandaran has such stunning Beaty with typical tropical breeze. They mostly has calm waves and beautiful crystal clear water. It has always attracted people to just play with the water. You could also find some mussels and play with them on it.

In a normal day, people will likely to spend their time just to enjoy the beauty of of beaches. These beaches will full with visitors especially during the weekend. But the social restriction has kept them away for a moment to take some leisure time on these beaches of Pangandaran.

However, those beaches of Pangandaran will remain to be the best place to ease your mind or run from the hustle and bustle of the city. Make sure you put these captivating beaches on your itinerary list after the social restriction ends. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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