
List of 6 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Tegal, Central Java

Sabtu, 18 September 2021 - 10:49 | 106.94k
Tourist attractions in Tegal (PHOTO: Instagram @wisata_tegal)
Tourist attractions in Tegal (PHOTO: Instagram @wisata_tegal)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTATegal is a large city in the northwest part of Central Java Province in Indonesia. Tourism in Tegal is well-known for its beautiful nature, and is usually crowded with local and international tourists.

These are the top-rated tourist attractions in Tegal that are worth visiting.

1. Alam Indah Beach

Wisata-Pantai-Alam-Indah-Tegal.jpgAlam Indah Beach (PHOTO: Instagram @Ricky_dewanto)

Alam Indah Beach is located in Mintaragen, East Tegal sub-district. It has been one of the most favourite tourist attractions. Usually, this beach is packed with local visitors during holidays.

This tourist attraction is only 500 meter away from Jalan Pantura (North Coast Road). It gains its income from the entrance ticket sales and parking retribution, and shares its revenue to Local Own-Source Revenue.

Alam Indah Beach provides some facilities, such as waterboom, vast parking lot, mosque, nautical monuments, beach platform, art village, performance, boats, viewing post, Mangrove forest and the newest one, floating dock.

2. Objek Wisata Guci

Guci-tegal.jpgObjek Wisata Guci (PHOTO: travelingyuk)

Objek Wisata Guci is a tourist attraction located in Guci Village, Bumijawa sub-district that is usually crowded with both local and international tourists.

This tourist attraction has a public hot spring bath and an inn. You can find some candied fruits to buy and horse rental in this place.

3. Taman Rakyat Slawi Ayu

Taman-Rakyat-Slawi.jpgTaman Rakyat Slawi Ayu (PHOTO: ketegal.com)

Taman Rakyat Slawi Ayu is located at the downtown of Slawi City. To be exact, this tourist attraction is located in front of the Slawi bus station. Usually, this place is packed with street vendors. Besides, Taman Rakyat Slawi Ayu usually becomes the place that people can rent if they wish to hold performance events.

4. Waterpark Bahari

BAHARI-WATERPARK.jpgWaterpark Bahari (PHOTO: Youtube/infotegal)

Waterpark Bahari, which is also known as Gerbang Mas Bahari, is the iconic waterpark in Tegal. Water rides are available in this place. It is located near the city gate of Tegal.

5. Rita Park Tegal

Rita-Park-Tegal.jpgRita Park Tegal (PHOTO: ketegal.com)

Rita Park Tegal is located inside the shopping centre, Rita Mall. This amusement park features rides and shows.

6. Cacaban Reservoir

Bendungan-Cacuban.jpgCacaban Reservoir (PHOTO: goodnewsfromindonesia)

Cacaban Reservoir located in Pangkah is well-known for its scenic view. Many facilities are available in this place, such as boat rental, Mushola (prayer rooms), restrooms, parking lot, camping ground, playground, restaurants, and entertainments.

Those are the must-visit tourist attractions that become the icons of tourism in Tegal. (*)


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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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