
This Pepes of Minnow Fish Has Drawn Internet Sensation

Selasa, 21 September 2021 - 03:01 | 61.16k
The  Minnow Pepes  or Pepes Ikan Nilem Telor Sultan, Tasikmalaya. (PHOTO : Harniwan Obech/TIMES Indonesia)
The Minnow Pepes or Pepes Ikan Nilem Telor Sultan, Tasikmalaya. (PHOTO : Harniwan Obech/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAMinnow is a stout fish with moderately small eyes and a small, slightly oblique mouth. This fish is quite common for the local community of Tasikmalaya. They have known this fishes for ages and use it for some of their dishes. Just like Pepes Ikan Nilem Telor Sultan which rock the internet recently.

Ikan Nilem or minnow has been well known to have a nice taste especially when its crispy fried. But, there is another way of taking this fish for granted, by making it into pepes. Pepes is an Indonesian way to cook some dishes  by using banana leaves to wrap it. It's usually secured with tooth pick and then steamed, grilled, or cooked between charcoal.

Ikan-Nilem-telor-Sultan-2.jpgThe staff of Tohuy Restaurant  holding the gigantic silvery minnow . (PHOTO: Harniwan Obech/TIMES Indonesia)

The technique especially the banana leaves gives the food a nice smell and exotic taste. This is what Eri Tohuy, the owner of Tohuy Restaurant where  Pepes Nilem Telor Sultan taken as its main signature dish trying to highlight. Located at Jalan Mayor Utarya No. 27 Tasikmalaya, the customers have made this dish their favorite since it's first introduced.

In order to get the best taste, Tohuy only use the minnow with 2,4 ounce to 5 ons in weight. He also choose those which produce some eggs. And this is made the customers coming back for more. "I'm so grateful that people love this dishes," Eri Tohuy said on Sunday (14/9/2021).

Ikan-Nilem-telor-Sultan-3.jpgThe Process of making minnow pepes. (PHOTO: Harniwan Obech/TIMES Indonesia)

Since it was first published on the internet in October 2020, Tohuy keep receiving some order online or offline. In a day e could spend around 20 kg of silvery minnow just for his customers. "We sometime had to let them down for running out of stock," Tohuy added.

Towards the Pepes Ikan Nilem Sultan or minnow pepes, the customers said the y were coming for their curiosity but then end up to fall in love with it. "It's super extraordinary, especially the egg. Its definitely delightful, and so good to be paired with nasi timbel and sambal," Dadan, a local customer of Tohuy Restaurant Tasikmalaya said. (*)


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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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