
Horeg Papua Culinary, the Best Restaurant Serving Papua New Guinean Cuisine

Selasa, 28 September 2021 - 02:28 | 72.34k
Exotic dish served by Horeg Papua Culinary. (PHOTO: Horeg Papua Culinary)
Exotic dish served by Horeg Papua Culinary. (PHOTO: Horeg Papua Culinary)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAHoreg Papua Culinary is the best restaurant in Papua that serves Papua New Guinean cuisine. Established in 2018, this family restaurant becomes the new prima donna of the culinary world in Jayapura, Papua.

Horeg Papua Culinary is strategically located on Jalan Raya Sentani Hawaii, Sentani district. It is located five minutes away from Bandara Sentani Jayapura.

The Marketing Manager of Verhos Misitama Group, Ferdy Fardian, stated that Horeg Papua Culinary specializes in traditional culinary of Papua with a wide range of variety.


“Ulat Sagu, Udang Selingkuh, Papeda, and grilled tilapia are our signature menu. Horeg Papua Culinary has been a well-known and modern restaurant in Jayapura,” said Ferdy.

Horeg Papua Culinary also serves traditional snack of Papua, Petatas Gulung (sweet potato roll cake) that is mainly made of sweet potatoes, the local commodity of Papua.

Petatas Gulung is a delicious dessert that can be enjoyed at the restaurant, and it is also a perfect gift for your beloved ones.

Horeg Papua Culinary also provides a stunning hall to celebrate your events, such as wedding party, gathering or seminar. They also provide essential facilities, such as air conditioner as well as audio and visual equipment.


The building of Horeg Papua Culinary has a modern and comfortable exterior. Its interior design is full of 3D paintings that become the iconic and unique feature of this restaurant.

“When you visit Jayapura, do not forget to visit Horeg Papua Culinary and enjoy the wide variety of Papua New Guinean cuisine,” he said. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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