Set Your Phobia of Needles Away with This New Invention of Netherland

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Netherland has developed a new method they called as Bubble Gun. It's a needless-injection that involved laser technology in the using. It was said that this method will leave no pain and make the patient no longer has phobia on needles.
"Within a millisecond, the glass that contains the liquid is heated by a laser, a bubble is created in the liquid, pushing the liquid out at a velocity of at least 100 km per hour (60 mph)," David Fernandez Rivas, a professor at Twente University said in Reuters.
Rivas who also a research affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who founded the idea also explained that the shot will took no longer than a mosquito bite. It will be painless and prevent the risk of contamination by dirty needles. It will also reduce medical waste and help save the environment.
Rivas also explained that this method will leave no wound on your skin. "That allows us to penetrate the skin without damage," he emphasized.
A start up company has put their attention on this research. They have taken the local Pharmaceutical industry to work with them and test the Bubble Gun. European Union also grant them around $1.73 Million fund to their bank account.
The look of Bubble Gun which might be still evolving. (Photo: Screenshot)
With all being taken, they have managed doing a real test on tissue samples. Rivas bottom lined that the Bubble Gun will need further research before it was being launched to the public.
Its such a spectacular news for those who has a phobia towards needles. However, you need to be a bit patient for this Bubble Gun of Netherland will need around 2 to 3 years more for further research. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |