D'Gunung Angkringan Malang, Best Place to Taste Angkringan Foods and Beautiful View of Malang at Night

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Angkringan foods has become a quiet common food you could find anywhere in Indonesia. For some people iit has become a comfort food for them. And to get the best experience of enjoying these Angkringan food you could go to the D'Gunung Angkringan Malang.
D'gunung is a cafe situated in a remote area, away from the hustle bustle of Malang city. this place is located at Jalan Jalan Bulan Terang Utama, Blok UJ 33, Madyopuro, Kedungkandang, Malang.
Though its located in a remote area, this café is stand behind some locals houses. But they make it hidden and hardly to see from the main road. But, you don’t need to be worry, for the nice view of Malang ambience at night will not be blocked by anything not even a small building.
The first time you step your feet in the café, you will be see some venue where you can pick and sit. There will be the terrace venue, bar, or lounge, and event an open area that will give some nice space and view.
A nice atmosphere at D'Gunung at night. (Photo: Khodijah Siti/TIMES Indonesia)
Take your seat and head to the counter to take your food or the cashier to get some food and beverages on the list. You will need to pay in advance for this. And go back to your sit and wait for your food to come.
They have typical angkringan food you could choose like nasi kucing, fritters, variants of satay, noodles, toasts, fries, crispy tofu, taichan satay and more. They also have some nice typical angkringan and café beverages to accompany your meals.
It also quiet affordable. The food starting from IDR 3 K to IDR 25 K. the café opens daaily from 09.00 to 22.00 local western times. As on Saturday night, they will have some live music performed on the stage. "Nice place, and the music is quite easy listening too," Yedri, a local customer of D'Gunung Angkringan Malang said.
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Rizal Dani |