Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya Decorates Their Lounge with Exotic Christmas Tree of Teak Leaves

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – When normal Christmas tree were cut from pine, fir, spruce or those evergreen conifer trees, Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya intended to pamper their guests and customers with special tree they made of dry teak leaves. The tree makes the lounge and lobby area look more exotic and comfortable.
The tree is 3,5 meter tall with not less than 121 teak leaves core all the surface. The dry leaves gives a moss green color to the room. Some light and Christmas decoration were also added by Quest Hotel to make it more stand out.
"Just like last year, we join the Christmas celebration with something different. This time we brought the dry teak leaves to warm our lounge and bring our guests to blend with the nature," Melly Aruni, the Marketing Communication of Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya explained on Wednesday (2/12/2021).
In addition, Melly also said that the rough and firm characteristic of the leaves has made Quest Hotel choose it as the main item to create their Christmas tree. Teak leaves were also associated a long lifecycle. What comes around will goes around.
This dry teak leaves Christmas tree of Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya has stolen the guests and customers attention. Lots of them will take a moment to capture some nice picture with this exotic tree as the background. And if you haven't got a chance to it, just make sure you have before the end of this of th month (December 2021). (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Rizal Dani |