Unveil The Collonial Taste at De Hemel at Shalimar Boutique Hotel Malang

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The Shalimar Boutique Hotel, one of nice hotel in Malang will be the right place for you to stay during your visit in Malang. This hotel offers such a strong colonial ambience which will take you back to those colonial time once you step in.
The 5 star hotel is situated upon a cultural heritage building which was established in 1930. This building is located at Jalan Cerme, Malang where everything including the local tourist attraction in the city is within an arm reach.
Not only the building, the interior design was kept solid like they way it was build at the first place. the most thicken colonial atmosphere could be seen at De Helmel Restaurant. This restaurant which had their re-opening a year go has manage to attract the guests attention with its nice atmosphere.
The restaurant bought Indonesian Heritage as their concept. They introduce the athentic taste of local dishes to their customers. they brought many of local dishes from all over the country to be served on their fancy dining table. Not only the local dishes, they also brought some Dutch and Chinese food.
The main signature dish was Iga Rawon Chef Karji. This dish merely made out of beef ribs with special grandma recipe. Some dish like satay Padang, Ikan Asin Klotok, Nasi Goreng Bledeg, Sup Iga, Sup Merah, and some more could also be found in this restaurant.
Another dishes like Erwtensoep and Ayam Kungpao Chef Dony will also wash your palate. Some beverages like Jamu Yuk Mar with variant taste such as Wedang Jahe Jaseka, Wedang Es Te Em Je, Wedang Cendana, Es Cao Gula Merah, and Es Rujak Gobet will be the best companion to enjoy the dishes.
De Helmel Restaurant of Shalimar Boutique Hotel Malang will be the right place to enjoy all this delicious foods with your loved one. Till the end of this year, the restaurant offers 12% discouunt for every purchase you make. There will be live music to ccmpany your dining on every Friday and Sunday. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |