
Ditasari: The Scented Candle and Her Successful Story

Minggu, 19 Desember 2021 - 04:17 | 64.85k
Ditasari Purboningtyas, the owner of Madame Berdin scented candle. (Photo: Instagram Ditasari)
Ditasari Purboningtyas, the owner of Madame Berdin scented candle. (Photo: Instagram Ditasari)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYAScented candle is somehow not quite popular in the country. But recently this product has become very well known to some people especially gen Z. The local also have take a look on this as a chance for their business. Just like what Ditasari Purboningtyas of Tulungagung did.

This girl has had her willing to do business since she was on junior high. She had some watch and eyeglasses business at that time on Facebook. And then she turned to Flower Crown. She also do a small business to cover her tuition at college, she was studying at one university in Malang back then, far away from home.

scented candle bThe  scented candle of Madame Berdin. (Photo: Ditasari for TIMES Indonesia).

By the time she graduated from the university, she decided to move back to her hometown. But, as she move, the business go down because most of her customers were coming from Malang and the delivery cost didn’t cover the price of her products. That made her lost lots of her customers.

Bu then she keep thinking  the perfect business for her.  He then decided to produce scented candle. "This is all about lifestyle, people will spend more and more money if it's talking about lifestyle. And personally I love stay at home, and I think using some scented candle is the best way for my relaxation," Dita said on Tuesday (14/12/2021).

scented candle cThe  scented candle of Madame Berdin. (Photo: Ditasari for TIMES Indonesia).

As for now, Dita has had around 24 variants of fragrance for her candle. She put some advertiser online for IDR 25 K a month. Collaborating with some Tik Tok influencer for just IDR 35 K/pax. And it worth the money. That small amount of money has bring her more and more customers everyday.

Up until now, Ditasari has had around 8 people working for her to help her with the scented candle production. She normally produce around 150 - 250 candle in a normal day. But in special occasion, she could produce 300 candle just for a day. What an amazing business  idea.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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