
Feel the Exotic Ambience of Goa Cina Beach Malang

Minggu, 09 Januari 2022 - 02:22 | 72.88k
Vast stretched white sand at Goa Cina. (Photo: Travel Okezone)
Vast stretched white sand at Goa Cina. (Photo: Travel Okezone)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Beach are always become a place that gives us some comfortable feeling while enjoying the natural scenery. The calm wave that hit the shore and the vast stretched white sand has always become a captivating view. And you could have all this experience at Goa Cina Beach Malang.

Goa Cina Beach is located next to Sitiarjo Village at Southern part of Malang. This beach becomes one of the best tourist destinations for the local tourist. The natural views are the iconic things to mesmerize your eyes.  


Goa Cina literally means The Chinese Cave in the local language. Goa Cina Beach is located next to Sitiarjo Village at Southern part of Malang. Hear said, there was a Chinese guy meditate in this cave till he died. That’s where the name was derived.

Normally, some tourist will go to Goa Cina Beach just to enjoy its exotic scenery. Some will stay and spend their night pitching their tents for few days. Not just the beach, the tourist can also enjoy the scenery in different methods like going to Puncak Dyana. But the tourist must pay IDR 10 K for the ticket.

The wave at this beach is very nice to watch but it is not safe to do some swimming activity. This is because due of the wave heights are pretty high and could bring someone in danger. There is one unique thing about this beach too. The fact is that the Goa Cina Beach is also has same place as Sendang Biru Beach.

Technically, the tourist can enjoy both of the beaches if they want too. The distance of each beach is quite long but it’s not too long either. The tourist can go to Sendang Biru Beach either using the vehicles or even walk to it.

The Goa Cina Beach will surely bring you the most beautiful experience for the tourist who came to Malang. Not just its beautiful scenery, but also the uniqueness of this beach that could attract the attention of the tourist who want to relax and finding out about the beach itself.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani