
Experience an Exotic View at Maluk Beach Sumbawa

Rabu, 19 Januari 2022 - 00:35 | 67.20k
Maluk Beach. (Photo: Indonesia Tourism)
Maluk Beach. (Photo: Indonesia Tourism)

TIMESINDONESIA, SUMBAWA – Going vacation to Sumbawa is never a bad idea. They had the best looking destinations in Indonesia that mostly attract many kinds of tourist. There’s one beach located in Sumbawa Island that mostly visited by the tourist and that is the Maluk Beach.

The beach is located Jereweh Sub-District, West Sumbawa. Maluk Beach has everything for the tourists who love some beach activity. The vast stretched white sand, the calming wave makes the activity at the beach become more fun and exciting.  The wave is safe for the swimming.

In this beach you could find turtles conservatory. So far, the conservatorium has many kinds of turtle such as those Black Turtles, Green Turtles and Scales Turtles. Sometime, the visitor can observe and even help them to release the baby turtle to the shore.

This activity is one of the iconic attractions of Maluk Beach. Lots of tourist coming to this place to get the experience. "It is fun to release the baby turtles; usually I only see it on TV," said Ni Wayan Sri as known as the participant of the Newmont Bootcamp.

The best moment that the tourist can enjoy every time at the beach is the sunset scenery of course. After do some beach activity, people usually will wait for the sunset before they go home.

If you want to go there, you will need to take some boat from Lombok to Sumbawa. Later, you can take the motorcycle, taxi, or bus to reach Maluk Beach from Taliwang. It’s 30 kilometers away from Taliwang, and you will need around 30 minutes ride to it.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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