
With 4 Choices of Aroma, Chio Essential is the New Favorite Eucalyptus Oil for Moms

Selasa, 08 Maret 2022 - 00:21 | 48.65k
Chio Essential Oil is different from similar eucalyptus oil products. (Image: Marcom Chio Essential)
Chio Essential Oil is different from similar eucalyptus oil products. (Image: Marcom Chio Essential)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – With many choices of rubbing oil products, there is a unique newcomer in the market. Chio Essential comes with innovative products with unique choices of aroma for their rubbing oil compared to the competitors’.

Chio Essential has four unique aromas for its rubbing oil products, such as Chocolate Melt, Strawberry Milk, Bubble Gum, and Sparkling Lemon, which is the first of its kind in the market in Indonesia.


The founder of Chio Essential, Monica Salakay explained that the available aromas in the products are based on the favorite foods of babies and even adults. Even more, moms can save more money because they no longer need to buy a separate perfume product for their babies.

"Similar with common rubbing oil products, Chio Essential Oil also has the same warming property which can help to get rid of flatulence and nausea," said Monica from a written broadcast, Friday (4/3/2022).

Since its first launch at the beginning of January 2022, the idea of Chio Essential products has received positive reviews, especially moms who are satisfied with the unique concept.

"This product is the first rubbing oil in Indonesia that comes with unique choices of aroma, such as chocolate, bubble gum, strawberry milk, and sparkling lemon. So, moms can choose their favorite aroma for their children," said Monica.

Besides, Chio Essential also produces different rubbing oil products for adults, kids, and babies that come with useful properties.

Those products were made 100 percent from natural ingredients and without any chemical substances. These products are also halal and certified by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control in Indonesia (BPOM).

With the launch of the rubbing oil with such unique aromas, Chio Essential has received an award as the first brand that introduces rubbing oil with such unique aromas in Indonesia.

Currently, Chio Essential products are already available in most outlets and marketplaces such as Shopee, local pharmacies, supermarkets, and baby stores in Indonesia.

"Chio Essential already has the approval from the National Agency of Drug and Food Control and the halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), thus it is safe for everyone of all range of ages. Moreover, the ingredients used in our products are made 100 percent from natural ingredients," said Monica Salakay. (*)

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Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan