
Gulai Ikan, Easy Homemade Indonesia Fish curry Recipe

Selasa, 15 Maret 2022 - 00:16 | 125.66k
​​​​​​​The mouth watering look of Gulai Ikan or Indonesian fish curry. (Photo: Pesona Indonesia) 
​​​​​​​The mouth watering look of Gulai Ikan or Indonesian fish curry. (Photo: Pesona Indonesia) 
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Have you ever taste fish curry? Or would you willing to make this dish alone in your house but you didn’t know the right step to it? Well, you could adopt this gulai ikan recipe. It’s an Indonesia fish curry which will take your fish to another level. 

Gulai ikan or fish curry has been a common food for the local community. You could find it anywhere, and even some house will serve you this kind of dish for feast or gathering. The exotic taste which away from fishy will make your jaw drop.


You wouldn't even realize that you were chewing some fish in your mouth with this recipe. So what about the recipe/ it will be an easy recipe you could do at home. You could find the ingredients at Asian market or conventional store nearby. Let's check it out.

Ingredients :

I kg fish (any kind of fish)

1 ½ coconut milk


1 pcs of turmeric leaf

1 pcs lemon grass

11 pcs bird eye chili

8 cloves of shallot

4 cloves of shallot

5 cm galangal

3 cm ginger

2 cm turmeric

1 tbs oil


Chicken block



Prepare the fish, cut into slices to suit to your taste. Set aside.
Put the chili, shallot, garlic, galangal, ginger,and turmeric into blender. Turn it on in high speed for a round a minute.
Prepare a pan or a wok, sautéed the ground ingredients for about a minute.
Put in the coconut milk, smashed lemon grass, and the turmeric leaf. Bring it to a boil.
After all boil, add the fish together with the basils. Let it simmered for about 5 minutes. 
Add the salt and chicken block, adjust the taste and let it simmered for another 10 minutes. And your gulai ikan or fish curry is ready to be served.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani