
Mie Ayam Pak Kutur Offers an Ultimate Taste of Chicken Noodle

Rabu, 27 April 2022 - 03:31 | 49.13k
A simple modest look of Mie Ayam Pak Kutur of Kendal. (PHOTO: Zamroni/TIMES Indonesia)
A simple modest look of Mie Ayam Pak Kutur of Kendal. (PHOTO: Zamroni/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, KENDALChicken noodle or mie ayam, this Chinese cuisine has been well known by the Indonesian. This dishes has been brought by the Chinese and introduced to the local community for more than 100 years. As for now, this dishes has been wide spread all over the country, just like Mie Ayam Pak Kutur Kendal.

Located right at Jalan Sidorejo, right in front of SMP PGRI 16 Sidorejo Brangsong, Kendal, Central Java, this food shop has been established since 1983. They keep the original recipe since then. And that what makes people fall in love to their mie ayam or chicken noodle.

mie-ayam-Pak-Kutur-3.jpgPak Kutur sprepare the mie ayam for his customers. (PHOTO: Zamroni/TIMES Indonesia)

As any other chicken noodle food shop, Pak Kutur the owner of Mie Ayam Pak Kutur  made his food with yellow regular home made noodle. He mixed it with his very own recipe along with bhok coy during the shimmering process.

Last but not least he top it of with some chicken floss, spring onion, a typical topping for mie ayam. To make it shoot the moon he added some meatball, mushroom, and crispy fried dumpling. The last three were optional depends on the customers' order.

"Honestly, I am a fan of mie ayam. I've been tasting several other mie ayam in another foodshops but onli mie ayam Pak Kutur tahta fit to my taste," Robinson, a local customers said on Saturday (23/4/2022).

Mie Ayam Pak Kutur Kendal opens daily from 17.00 to 02.00 early in the morning local western times. A set of this chicken noodle coud be enjoyed not more than IDR 20 K. "I could spend around 3 to 5 kg of my homemade wheat noodle in a day," Pak Kutur ended. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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