
The Ril Second, a Thrift Store with some Nice Collection

Minggu, 15 Mei 2022 - 02:43 | 53.74k
The Ril Second store at Dalbo Festival. (Photo: Instagram dalbofest_mlg) 
The Ril Second store at Dalbo Festival. (Photo: Instagram dalbofest_mlg) 

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Thrift store might not be a popular way for the Indonesian to do their shopping. However, this culture has been used by several people in the country like those in Malang for instance. Just like The Ril Second, a local thrift store with nice things in it.

"We have used clothes with certain flake which is still wearable and in a good condition. You couldn't ask for brand new thing for it's used. You might the color degraded or may other some other defect," Haqi, a staff of The Ril Second said.

Located at Jalan Saxophone No. 69 Tunggulwulung, Lowokwaru, Malang, East Java this thrift store took their products from South Korea. "It is what makes it distinct from another. Not everyone has this kind of style for its limited number of product," Haqi added.


The customers coming tot his store were varied from those youngsters to the adults. Haqi also said that mostly they came too the store looking for a nice stuff with good price. "It will cost you lower  yet give you a good nice stuff," Haqi explained.

The Ril Second sometimes also joining some thrift store festival like they Dalbo Festival they had earlier in April. And if you willing to check their collection you could visit their store directly and bring home some good Korean style stuffs.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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