
Titien Soedarsa Shows her Newest Collection for Muslim Wear

Minggu, 15 Mei 2022 - 06:26 | 41.08k
The urban millennial, the newest collection of Titien Soedarsa. (Photo: Doc. Titien Soedarsa) 
The urban millennial, the newest collection of Titien Soedarsa. (Photo: Doc. Titien Soedarsa) 

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTATitien Soedarsa, a local designer which focused on muslim wear brought her newest collection to the cat walk. This time she named her collection as urban millennial. This collection was design with a nice motifs and trendy color which suit to the  needs of the modern day. 

Urban millennial has around 8 collection of ready to wear muslim outfit of natural brown and blue denim colors. Each gives the person who wear it  a chick simple and modern look.


"Urban Millennial brings an urban style with casual and chic as well sophisticated at the same time. Some were made in a dress and some were made in two pieces," Titien said on Friday (6/5/2022).

On her newest collection Titien also added a clean look. the cut will make the person wear it looks slimmer. The main material was made out of high quality denim which make everyone feel more comfortable while wearing it.


Some Indonesian detail were also added to strengthen the ethnical feeling. Such as those button which made of wood or coconut shell. Some tribal motifs also put on top of the denim which make the dress and the outfit look so modern and exotic at the same time.

"For the application, urban millennial was created as comfortable as possible and could be worn for any outdoor activities. It's smooth and cold and won't make you easily sweat and sweat absorbance," Titien Soedarsa, the designer ended.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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