
Oatmeal Yogurt, A Great Healthy High-protein Breakfast

Selasa, 31 Mei 2022 - 12:04 | 83.44k
Oatmeal for breakfast. (PHOTO: Live Eat Learn)
Oatmeal for breakfast. (PHOTO: Live Eat Learn)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAOatmeal yogurt can be a good choice for a great healthy high-protein breakfast. Oatmeal is known as a healthy breakfast cereal made from oats, a type of cereal grain. 

Oatmeal is also good for weight loss, as it is rich in natural fiber that can help to manage hunger better. 

Oatmeal is an excellent food for everyone, especially seniors, because it is easy to chew. 

When combined with yogurt, oatmeal can provide better proteins and nutrients. 

Here are the simple steps to prepare some oatmeal yogurt for your healthy breakfast. 


4 tbsp oatmeal

4 tbsp air panas

100 ml fresh milk

3 tbsp yogurt

Sliced fruits 


  1. Mix some oatmeal and hot water with 1:1 ratio for the best consistency. 

  2. Pour some milk and yogurt. Mix well.

  3. You may add some sliced fruits of your preference. 

Voila! Your oatmeal yogurt is ready to serve! (*)

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Editor : Irfan Anshori
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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