
Tuna Jaw an Extreme Dish You could Find at Kedai Tuna Morotai

Selasa, 07 Juni 2022 - 03:12 | 50.75k
The tempting look of Tuna Jaw at Kedai Tuna Morotai. (Photo: Asyura for TIMES Indonesia) 
The tempting look of Tuna Jaw at Kedai Tuna Morotai. (Photo: Asyura for TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, PULAU MOROTAI – Morotai, North Halmahera, North Maluku is a city which was located next to Pacific Ocean which provides the locals with tons of tasty fresh fish including those giant tuna. And Kedai Tuna Morotai elevate the tuna jaw to their restaurant.

The tuna jaw in this restaurant will be roasted before it was served to your table. The restaurant has their very own way to top it out with local herbs and ingredients as well those sweet soy sauce.

Located at Eks Kawasan Lokasi Sail Indonesia, Juanga, South Morotai, Morotai Islands, North Maluku this restaurant has become a popular place for dining by the local community. Not only the local, some customers from the neighborhood area or those who happened visit Morotai has agreed to make this place as one of their favorite.


They came back to bring more of their family and friends or even their spouse to enjoy dish. The accessible area which could be reached within 5 minutes from Daruba city center make this place a perfect place on a lazy day to travel to a country side.

Some restaurant will make this tuna jaw as a waste. They sometimes didn’t serve it to their customers and just left it on the garbage bin. However in the perfect hand this tuna jaw could be turned into a nice Roasted Spicy Tna Jaw or well known by the local as Rahang Tuna Bakar Rica.


Keda Tuna Morotai served this dish in a package along a set of rice. You could also order some local fresh veggies to accompany your dinning. And incase it was too spicy for you, you could have tons of tasty refreshing drink the restaurant has.

"We have lots of customers either from those local area or even foreign countries to taste the tasty spicy s well savory taste of Rahang Tuna Bakar Rica," Asyura Oemar, the owner of Kedai Tunai Morotai said on Sunday (29/5/2022).

The taste of the tuna jaw will feel more like those roasted beef with sweet and tender texture. The spicy herbs and local ingredients will kick your mouth once you taste it. A set of Rahang Tuna Bakar Rica will cost you startng from IDR 40 K to IDR 65 K depends on the size. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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