
Batagor Bandung and the Story Behind It

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2022 - 05:22 | 95.62k
Batagor at a street food vendor in Bandung. (Photo: Diskominfo for TIMES Indonesia) 
Batagor at a street food vendor in Bandung. (Photo: Diskominfo for TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, BANDUNG – Have you ever heard a dish named batagor? Well, if you haven't, it's a typical dish of Bandung made of tofu and meatball dough which then fried to elevate the taste. This dish has become a popular dish on only in Bandung but all over the country.

Little did you know, there was a bit complicated sad story behind the founding of this food. It was all begin in 1960's when a local street vendor who offer some steamed tofu stuffed with meatball has some leftover with his products.

Hear said his name was Isan. Isan then fried the leftover stuffed tofu and share it to his neighbors whenever he has some. Surprisingly, the taste was incredibly amazing. Lots of his neighbors fall in lovet o it and order some more.

Long story short he decided to sell the fried steamed stuffed tofu. Later in 1968, he chose to just stuffed raw tofu and fried it for in his opinion making some fried steamed tofu will take more time which make him could fulfill every order he has for his authentic recipe of batagor.

And this kind of process has been adapted by almost all batagor vendor in the country till now. The local vendors will usually served it slices of fresh lettuce and diced cucumber. Last but not least they will top it of with special peanut sauce and some chili sauce.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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