
Curug Muara Jaya, Another Astonishing Waterfall of Majalengka

Selasa, 12 Juli 2022 - 01:16 | 46.53k
Curug Muara or Muara Jaya Waterfall of Majalengka. (Photo: Herik Diana/TIMES Indonesia) 
Curug Muara or Muara Jaya Waterfall of Majalengka. (Photo: Herik Diana/TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, MAJALENGKA – If you love to travel to n unknown place where it seems never been touched by human then Curug Muara Jaya or Muara Jaya waterfall of Majalengka will be the perfect place for you. This place give you such stunning hidden paradise view from every of its corner.

Located at Argamukti, Argapura, Majalengka, West Java this place will be a perfect gateway for serenity. This place has such nice soothing ambience with all lush green forest surrounding the area. Not to mention the beauty of the waterfall itself.

The huge water flow makes such an enormous sound when it falls. You could even hear it from miles away. Yet that makes the visitors who head for the place feel so secure and unintimidated for they thought they have been closed enough to it.  

This place has been quite well known by the local community of West Java. Most of those who visited this place came from nearby cities. Some will spend their night and pitch a tent while some will just coming to admire the beauty and play with the fresh water.

Ira Supriyatin, a local visitor said that the beauty of Curug Muara Jaya was even compared to Niagara. The nice water and the astonishing view have made this waterfall such a worth place to visit regardless the obstacle they find before reaching this place.

"I came back here with my friends to see the Panyaweuyan. And then peeking for Curug Muara Jaya. This is just looks like what I saw in Niagara waterfall," Suoriyatin said on Saturday (9/7/2022). (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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