
Beautiful Pangandaran and Its 170 Tourist Attractions

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2022 - 02:37 | 36.10k
Batukaras Beach, one of the aquatic tourist attractions in Pangandaran. (PHOTO: Doc. TIMES Indonesia)
Batukaras Beach, one of the aquatic tourist attractions in Pangandaran. (PHOTO: Doc. TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PANGANDARAN – Pangandaran is a beautiful region in Indonesia, which has at least 170 tourist attractions spread over its ten districts. Moreover, Pangandaran has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in West Java.

The President of the Tourism and Cultural Agency of Pangandaran, Tonton Gunari mentioned that among the 170 destinations available in Pangandaran, five are already governed and developed by the local government.

"The rest of them are currently developed by the village government,” said Tonton, Wednesday (10/8/2022).

From the total of 170 destinations, 128 are natural destinations, 27 are cultural destinations, and 15 are artificial destinations. "There are many other potential destinations that can be developed into new tourist destinations as well,” said Tonton.

The majority of destinations developed by the local government are aquatic tourist destinations. "Those destinations spread all around the districts in Pangandaran, namely the Pangandaran Beach, Batu Karas Beach, Batu Hiu Beach, Karapyak Beach, and the Green Canyon,” Tonton explained.

Meanwhile, a potential new destination that will soon be governed by the local government is the Madasari Beach.

There are numerous necessities for developing a potential destination, such as route access setting, lodging facilities, public facilities, vendors, and the applications of 5A, which consists of attractions, accessibility, amenities, available packages, activities, and ancillary services.

"Besides, the governor of Pangandaran also revealed a plan of acquisition of three other tourist destinations in Pangandaran, namely the Emplak Village in Karang Nini, Pangandaran Sanctuary, and Citumang aquatic tourist destination”.

However, the local government of Pangandaran also opens an opportunity for privately owned corporations to develop any of the available destinations, which will receive maximum support from the government. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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