
Strolling around Malang with Macito

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2022 - 02:30 | 52.87k
Macito before departing the passengers. (Photo: Firda Aulia Rachmasari/TIMES Indonesia)
Macito before departing the passengers. (Photo: Firda Aulia Rachmasari/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – If you go to Malang and want to enjoy its beauty, Macito can be the best choice. This blue bus has won people’s hearts because everyone can ride it for free. Everyone can enjoy the beauty and the cool breeze of Malang by riding Macito.

Macito has a capacity for 23 people and it operates every Monday to Thursday and also on the weekend. So, you better check their time of hawking around.


Macito’s will operate on Monday to Thursday in two operating sessions. The first session starts from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. While the second section starts at 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.


On the weekend, it starts from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Then it continues from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. And the last session runs from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. each session will run for about 1,5 to 2 hours drive. It will be enough to enjoy the captivating view of Malang during the day or night.

If you are interested in riding Macito, it is better to come there earlier. You only need to come and register at the stand established by Malang City Transportation Service on Majapahit Street, Malang. To be precise, it is located in the Ex. UPT DLH Office Environmental Laboratory.

Moreover, visitors do not need to pay any penny. The trip will be free for everyone. Either those the local or even the foreigner. Everyone is allowed to enjoy the mesmerizing view of Malang city from Macito.


The routes that are taken start from the UPT DLH Office, then goes to Alun-alun Tugu, straight to the Heritage area on Besuki Rahmat Street, then to Alun-alun Merdeka Malang, Ijen Street, and back to  UPT DLH Office. The entire route is taken within 30 minutes only.

For those who want to ride and enjoy Malang with Macito, there are several rules that need to be noted:

1. Do not smoke.

2. Do not litter.

3. Everyone must wear a mask and obey the health protocols.

4. Everyone is forbidden to bring objects that smell bad or too strong.

5. Do not bring your pet.

6. Do not bring sharp and dangerous objects.

7. It is forbidden to damage and strike the facility on Macito.

8. Take care of your own belongings.

9. Do not ever try to move your body too much during the trip.

So, are you ready to enjoy Malang with Macito?

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan