
Exploring Sundanese Cultural Heritage at Museum Sri Baduga Bandung

Kamis, 08 September 2022 - 01:26 | 66.28k
Cultural heritage collections of West Java at Museum Sri Baduga. (PHOTO: Documentation of Diskominfo Bandung)
Cultural heritage collections of West Java at Museum Sri Baduga. (PHOTO: Documentation of Diskominfo Bandung)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANDUNG – Bandung is a regency in West Java that is well-known for its tourism and culinary. In addition, it is also famous for its historical buildings, such as museums. One of the most famous museums in this city is Museum Sri Baduga, which is located on Jalan BKR, right on the opposite of Taman Tegallega, to be exact. 

Museum Sri Baduga keeps the cultural heritage collections of West Java. Established in 1974, this museum was officially inaugurated in 1980 under the name of Museum Negeri Provinsi Jawa Barat by the Ministry of Education and Cultures, Dr. Daud Yusuf.

Museum-Sri-Baduga-a.jpgMuseum Sri Baduga in Bandung (PHOTO: Documentation of Diskominfo Bandung)

In 1990, the name was changed into Museum Negeri Provinsi Jawa Barat Sri Baduga. For additional information, Sri Baduga was the name of Hindustan Sundanese King in West Java. 

The collections in Museum Sri Baduga are mostly high-valuable historical heritages and antiques. Most of them include megalithic sculptures, traditional clothings, houses, tools, and musical instruments.

Museum-Sri-Baduga-b.jpgCultural heritage collections at Museum Sri Baduga (PHOTO: Documentation of Diskominfo Bandung)

One of the most interesting things in this museum is its architecture, of which shape resembles the traditional house of West Java. 

Museum Sri Baduga in Bandung opens from Tuesday to Friday at 8 AM to 4 PM, and Saturday - Sunday at 8 PM to 2 PM. It is always closed on Mondays and national public holidays. The entrance ticket is only IDR 3,000 for adults and IDR 2,000 for children. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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