Gus Yahya of PBNU Towards Forum R20: No More Identity Politic

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – During a press conference about the upcoming Forum R20 (Religion 20) on Wednesday (7/9/2022) Gus Yahya, the Director of PBNU stated briefly that he will not allow any identity politic appears on that forum. Just for your information, Forum R20 will be held by November 2-3, 2022.
The press conference was held at The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta discussing about the identity politic deeply. Gus Yahya even said that the member of NU were not allowed to separate from one another.
For this long, a no identity politic has become a must approach used by the member of NU in solving their problems. "We say no to any identity politics. Either its ethnical or religious one. Including identity. No more identity politics. We declare to deny all those," he said.
Gus Yahya also appeal everyone stay away and not creating some identity issue. "I can get along with Jewish, why can wed ot he same with people of our religion," he added.
This was also applied for those radical community. If people deal with those radical people in hosile, then they will only face sand create a new issue. "Don’t deal with them with hostility. No. it's a way to live side by side peacefully," he pointed.
He also added that those kind of approach should have been left behind. "It's the NU positioning which we have to hold tight. We don’t want to make things worse, we are looking for a problem solving," Gus Yahya said during the press conference about Forum R20. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |