Wearing White Shirt, Emmanuel Macron of France Roamed Around Bali

TIMESINDONESIA, DENPASAR – The President of France Emmanuel Ramos made some time to roam around Bali and enjoy the beauty. The moment he walked down on Bali after G20 Indoensia welcoming dinner on the slum area was captured by one of the lightening speed hand of local community's camera.
The video was uploaded on a local community Twitter account @kurawa on Wednesday morning (16/11/2022). Macron was wearing a white shirt with a folded wrist. He was captured walking down the path on Bali area alone.
Macron seemed to enjoy his time walking around Bali. He greeted the local he met on his way. The local who knew the president called his name and gave him the best warm welcome they had. Some even get a chance to take picture with him.
Macron saw a baby and eventually put him in his arm and hold him for a while. He also greet some foreigner he met during the occasion. He seemed really enjoying his time.
Meanwhile, the special forces have him guarded from distance. They keep him secured while roaming around the street around Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural, Badung, Bali on Tuesday night (15/11/2022).
He got down from his car starting from the Uluwatu crossroad then walk through the sidewalk to Politeknik Bali, Jimbaran. It was 22.20 local western times. And the road was still busy at that time, but not quite crowd.
Macron was seen joining the welcoming dinner earlier that day. He walked around 2 kilometers away and enjoy his moment in Bali.
Emmanuel Macron, the President of France was known to have some emotional connection with Bali. Bali was the place where his parents occasionally took him for holiday when he was just a kid. And visiting this place during G20 Indonesia has been a bless for him. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |