
The Surge of Foreign Tourist to Yogyakarta Raised for End Year Holiday

Kamis, 24 November 2022 - 03:11 | 28.41k
The atmosphere of domestic tourists when on vacation at Zero Point in the Malioboro Region, Yogyakarta City. (PHOTO: A Riyadi/Times Indonesia)
The atmosphere of domestic tourists when on vacation at Zero Point in the Malioboro Region, Yogyakarta City. (PHOTO: A Riyadi/Times Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTA – The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) still has an attraction tourists, local and foreign. It can be seen from the monitoring that foreign tourists have started visiting several tourist objects in Yogyakarta. So far, tourists come from Europe.

“Yesterday from Italy and Spain several groups that were monitored which were observed quite a lot apart from Malaysia and Singapore themselves.” said the Head of the DIY Tourism Office, Singgih Raharja, Wednesday (9/11/2022).

However, the DIY Tourism Office continues to prioritize domestic tourists. Because, the occupancy of domestic tourists so far is quite good. Tourist visits to DIY are still quite high. Therefore, Sinngih hopes that the end of 2022 holidays can increase tourist visits, both domestic and foreign.

“Tourist visits are still quite high. We hope that it will arrive at the end of the year and hopefully the conditions will be better,” Singgih hoped.

The DIY Tourism Office continues to prioritize domestic tourists. Because the occupancy of domestic tourists so far according to him is quite good. In addition, the support of facilities and infrastructure is very important. For example, regarding accessibility and ticketing services.

“Expensive tickets will definitely affect visits, but as an alternative some tourists can travel by road, both trains and other public transportation. Like the buses now that are very comfortable, there are sleepers, with support from the road which is pretty good, only 6.r hours from Jakarta, maybe 3.5 hours from Surabaya, I think it is a pretty effective choice,” He said.

Singgih hopes that this will continue to improve, in terms of transportation, access is very decisive. In addition, the current global situation is also considered to have an influence on foreign tourist visits to tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.

For yiyr information, in a day there are more than 1000 people visiting Yogyakarta recently. Most of them voming for the most iconic tourist destination such as Malioboro and Borobudur. 

Some will spend their time visiting the local beaches and resorts. Mostly they came a long with a group, but aome people will also just spend their time alone or with just one of their fellow. 

Yogyakarta has been known to be one of the top 10 list of most visited destinations in the country. The culture and cultural heritage has attract people over just to spend their holiday and enjoy the atmosphere. 

The local cuisine such as Gudek has also become the moan reasin why people come to this iconic city. Not to say that another area in the country doesn’t has such those kind of dishes but really, the ultimate taste of real Yogyakarta Gudek has never been questioned. 

The new pandemic rule and the loosen protocol has made people started to travel around the country and across the world including Yogyakarta. The city had also suffered so much during the oandemic especially when it goes to its tourism industry. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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