
2 Students of UMBY Managed to Fulfill Their EAMS Program

Jumat, 25 November 2022 - 19:45 | 24.03k
The two students of UMBY who manged to finish their EAMS Program in two years. (Photo: the PR of UMBY for TIMES Indonesia)
The two students of UMBY who manged to finish their EAMS Program in two years. (Photo: the PR of UMBY for TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Two students of UMBY or University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta showed their position by completing the EAMS or English Micro Scholarship Program in two years. This program was delivered by the US embassy for those students who willing to broaden their english skills.

The program has been introduced to around 80 countries across the world including Indonesia. This program was intended for those students aged between 13 to 20 years old. For the latest class of 2022, there are 5 areas appointed for the venue, i.e. Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta,  Surabaya,  and Malang. 


In Yogyakarta itself, the program was managed by CILACS UII (Islamic University of Indonesia). The program was aimed to bring a better knowledge about english language to the world especially to the participants or the scholarship holder.

The two UMBY students are Bagas Dwi Kameswara dan Untari Setyowati. Bagas is a local student which came from Kluwar Magelang, Central Java. Meanwhile Untari was coming from Magetan, East Java. Both received the scholarshop while studying at UMBY.

The two were having their graduation on Monday (21/11/2022). The ceremony was held at UII and was attended by the Regional Director of English Language Office from the US embassy for Indonesia Rick Rosenberg and the Director of IIEF Diana Kartika Jaya. 

"In this program, we learned English with two teachers who were also a graduate of this US (scholarship) program. Not only about english, but we were also trained for our soft skills such as entrepreneurship and community service which we should take during the end of each term," Bagas said. 

PBI-UMBY-2.jpgThe graduates at graduation ceremony of EAMS, Monday (21/11/2022)

In line with Bagas, Untari also said that she got new experiences after joining the program. She knew better about the Us culture through the evnts held during the scholarship program.

"We found out more about US Culture such as 4th of July celebration, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black History Month, and more. The scholarship which also known as ACCESS Program also planned to hold English Camp and Field Trip for the participants," Untari said on Friday (25/11/2022).

Bagas and Untari also spilled some secret out at the beginning of the scholarship program.  They had to take TOEFL test as one of the subject. They were given 4 textbook to guide them through the subject. 

They were also given some entrepreneurship skills as one of the subject such as recycle thing and make somevaluable products from it and sell it around Malioboro street Yogyakarta. They were also taken to do some community services and doing some good deeds as their commitment towards the society.

After all done, they were asked to present their experience in form of paper and and deliver it to the class. This was done to enlarge their skill in english especially in presenting their thought and feeling about the thing they have done earlier. 

The Dean of PBI UMBY Elysa Hartati appreciates their hard work and achievement. "The ACCESS program has given the students with hardskill and sofskill in english. And from this on we hope that there will be more chance open to get more foreign scholarship or may be exchange student program for them," she said. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan