Sate Lilit Kediri, Authentic Satay from Balinese Cuisine

TIMESINDONESIA, KEDIRI – Bali Island, which is also known as the Island of Gods, is famous for its wide variety of cultures and cuisines. One of the most famous, authentic cuisines of Bali is Sate Lilit. It is a satay variant in Indonesia made from minced pork, fish, chicken, beef, or turtle meat, then mixed with grated coconut, coconut milk, lemon juice, shallots, and pepper.
The spiced minced meat is wound around a bamboo, sugar cane or lemongrass stick. Usually, it is served with Sambal Matah (Balinese raw sambal). It is a must-try dish that is often hunted by foreign tourists when visiting Bali. The word ‘lilit’ in Balinese and Indonesian means ‘to wrap’ as the meat is wound around a thick and wide skewer.
Originally, this dish came from Klungkung. However, people may also find them easily in any other areas of Bali, such as Badung, Gianyar, and Denpasar. For additional information, This dish is also included in a list of food in the offerings of Balinese Hindus at their traditional ceremonies, such as Caru Ceremony.
Sate Lilit and the Authentic Taste of Sambal Matah
In the Island of God this dish is usually served with sambal. However, in Kediri, this delicious dish is served with some vegetables, such as long beans, bean sprouts, and water spinach. Sometimes, it is also served with shredded chicken meat as the topping. In addition to that, the dish in Kediri usually only uses beef.
Meanwhile in it orignal place, this satay is usually served with Sambal Matah. It's a salsa you could only find in Bali. Sambal Matah is also known as Sambal Mentah (raw sambal) or Sambal Bawang that has a savory, hot taste.
The Nature of Sate Lilit
As you all know, The Island of God is a Hindu majority island. Therefore, this dish is Bali usually uses pork and fish over other meat, especially beef that is seldom consumed in this Island of Gods. However, in some muslim area it was made of beef or mutton with some mixture of local herbs and vegetables.
In this island, Sate Lilit is flavored with Bumbu Megenep. This bumbu or ingredient consists of a mixture of spices and herbs, such as lime leaves, coconut milk, garlic, shallots, blue galangal, coriander, lesser galangal, turmeric, and chili pepper.
This dish has a savory taste that can be enjoyed any time. You may also eat this dish with some warm rice according to your preference. It is a good source of proteins and minerals as it contains meat and many kinds of vegetables.
How to Make Sate Lilit Kediri from the Scratch
For those who doesn't consume pork the minced beef is mixed with some seasonings. Then, the minced meat is sticked around a lemongrass stick, which makes it different from the taste of satay lilit Bali.
Usually, on its original place, the local community uses a bamboo stick for the skewers. By using a lemongrass stick, the dish will be more scrumptious as the lemongrass can enhance the aroma.
Both, Sate Lilit Bali and Kediri also have a slightly different taste. Both of the variants have their own distinctive taste. On its original place it tastes savory and spicy, while in Kediri the satay is somewhat savory and sweet. (*)
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Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |