Batu So'on Solor, Stonehenge Van Java of Bondowoso

TIMESINDONESIA, BONDOWOSO – Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in England that has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. As well as Batu So’on Solor of Bondowoso. Located in the Eastern side of East Java this city will make you feel like you were some where else in heaven.
This place is also known by local community as Stonehenge Van Java. Looking almost the same with those in England. You could add this venue on your bucket list for your next vacation.
The site is located in Solor Village, Cermee sub-district, Bondowoso, East Java. It is located around 50 kilometers from the center of the city or around 1 hour to drive. this so called stonehenge van java can be easily reached by private vehicles, such as motorbikes or cars.
The government of Bondowoso has repaired the road and added some facilities in this tourist destination. Currently, it is listed in Ijen Geopark, and will be officially nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The stones in Batu So’on Solor are 25 meters high. According to the staff of the venue, Asmadiyono, this tourist destination used to be named as ‘Pandepa’, which means ‘gazebo-like building’ where people in the past usually made a gathering.
Then, in 2016, this tourist attraction’s name was changed into Batu So’on. So’on in Madurese means ‘piled up’. At the same year the Ministry of Tourism in Bondowoso has been managing this tourist attraction and open it for public.
All the things you need to know at Batu So'on Solor
The government through the management has added several facilities to this attraction. You will find lots of facilities such as a vast parking lot, souvenir shops, playground, and ATV motors, and cafeteria if you feel like your belly wanted some food for today.
Not only enjoy the scenery, but you may also enjoy some traditional cuisines around the historical site. There are many food stalls selling traditional snacks, any kind of Indonesian foods, young coconut ice to refresh yourself, and any other delicious foods.
The parking fee for a 2-wheeled vehicle is IDR 2,000, while for a 4-wheeled vehicle is IDR 4,000. If you want to ride an ATV motor, you only need to pay IDR 10,000.
You may also take some photographs in this tourist destination as it provides many Instagram-worthy selfie spots, such as Menara Pandang, Broadwalk, Sangkar Sarang Burung, and Jaring Laba-Laba. On site, Batu So’on Solor will give you a mesmerizing view of the rich archeological landscape with humongous stones set in a circle.
Some Other attractions at Batu So'on Solor
There are some other stones around the area, such as Batu Lanang, Batu Kacang, Batu Magnet, and Batu Kembar. However, it is still a mystery whether these stones are megalithic remains or they are just existing due to the process of nature.
Batu So’on Solor has a very unique structure. Some locals assume that these stones are related to supernatural force.
this place will look best in the late afternoon. The orange sun rays sweep around the huge stones, creating a mesmerizing view of the landscape. You will find lots of public facilities in this place such as gazebos and selfie spots.
Batu So’on Solor, which is also known as Stonehenge Van Java in Bondowoso, is open every day, from 6 AM to 5 PM. The entrance ticket is so affordable. You only need IDR 5,000 to enjoy the beauty of this natural attraction. (*)
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Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |