
Rest Area Guyangan Probolinggo Offers the Best Camping Ground Ever

Rabu, 18 Januari 2023 - 03:47 | 95.20k
A nice atmosphere at Rest Arera Guyangan Probolinggo. (Photo: Eksplore Krucil)
A nice atmosphere at Rest Arera Guyangan Probolinggo. (Photo: Eksplore Krucil)

TIMESINDONESIA, PROBOLINGGORest Area Guyangan, a local integrated relaxing place in Probolinggo might be the best alternative for your this weekend. This place offers such a nice mountainous ambience either in the day or night.

Located at Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency, East Java, this place is situated under a mountain with super cool climate. It seems like every single facilities in this area was created to meet the need of your thirsty soul.

It has nice café, perfect camping ground, and captivating natural scenery to top it off. Most of the visitor will come just to get a nice hot milk which become the signature beverage of the café.

The best moment to visit this place was at night. During the night the fog will came down, the lights were lite up, and the lush green fern shadows at night makes everything look even more perfect.

Family Camping Ground of Rest Area Guyangan to Spend Your Day Off

This place has a nice camping ground. You could take your family and friends or even colleague to spend an unforgettable moment together. The camping ground could take 30 to 50 camper at a time. 

Rest Area Guyangan also provides the camper with camping gear if they don't have one. All you need was just ask for the facilities and pay for some fee for the rent. You could even get some warm clothes on their souvenir shop.

This was because the area will be so cold at night. The fog will be thicken by night time and you need to make sure you are comfortable enough during your sleep with some clothes that will make you warm. 

This place also has a nice restroom and small praying room for public whenever you feel like to do your business. It also has a spacious parking lot to accommodate your vehicle which located not far away from your camping ground. 

Enjoying the Glimmering Ambience of the City at Night

Beside the nice beautiful atmosphere at the café where there was loads of lampion light hung between fern trees, this place also offers the beauty of city ambience far ahead. All you need to do was just to take one of the seat at Rest Area Guyangan café.

Located on 750 meter above the sea you will be able to see the beautiful night ambience of the city. The glimmering light of the city on the far will become a nice scenery to have at night.

During the day, this place will look so astonishing with all the fern trees surrounding the area. The sound of bird chirping, the screak of cicada will accompany your day at the place.

You could also have the ultimate taste the hot local pure cow milk which was milked from the nearby cow pasture. This café also has Kopi Krucil, a local way of serving black coffee with the local coffee bean they get from nearby farm. 

You could also get some local dishes which was made out of their secret recipe that you cannot found anywhere else. Everything was so perfect including the price. You don't need to spend much to get this experience at Rest Area Guyangan Probolinggo.(*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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