
Experience Free Bus Ride Around Malang with Macito

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2023 - 02:37 | 70.13k
The Macito bus waiting for the passenger to aboard. (Photo: Rizky Kurniawan Pratama/TIMES Indonesia)
The Macito bus waiting for the passenger to aboard. (Photo: Rizky Kurniawan Pratama/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGMacito bus or the Malang City Tour Bus has become a popular ride for the local to enjoy the nice scenery of Malang from the top. This  ride was managed by Transport Department of Malang which also well known as Dishub. 

This bus has become the new idol in the city. Day by day especially since it was being operated back after the pandemic there has been a long line waiting for the engine to start and leave for its routes. 

This transportation will roam around several strategic area which shows some historical tourist destination as well some souvenir shops for the tourist to visit. 

Macito The New Application to Book the Ticket in Advance

In order to ease the tourists or traveler to ride this vehicle, the Transport Department or Dishub creates an application called Macito. This application will let the passenger to find out the right time of departure.

This application has been able to be accessed since early of January 2023. That way the tourists won't need to make a line and just come to the departure gate on the designed time. 

"Through the application, the society could find out the departure schedule, the routes, and how many seats available," Widjaja Saleh Putra, The Head of Dishub Malang  said on Tuesday (24/1/2023).

He also explained that Macito could accommodate around 20 people at a time. This was including those seats for special need people. It shows that this vehicle was made for everyone who willing to enjoy the beauty of Malang in distinctive ways. 

So Far only One Bus is on the Go

Widjaja said that there were 5 bus that usually used as the right accomodation. Yet, recently there was only one vehicle could be operated since the rest hasn't had it registration number. 

However the Head of Dishub said all the transportation will be ready by the end of the month. "There was only one run on the street, 2 of them hasn't had a registration number, and the other two was still on hold for it was obtained from CSR program," Widjaja added. 

For your information, 4 of the Macito bus of Malang was a new transport. Two of them has been introduced to the public in DEcember 2022, and the other two was still uphold by the CSR company. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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