
Kids Friendly Tourist Destinations in Surabaya

Selasa, 31 Januari 2023 - 00:15 | 66.65k
The nice green ambience at Mini Agrowisata, Surabaya. (Photo: Gov. Surabaya)
The nice green ambience at Mini Agrowisata, Surabaya. (Photo: Gov. Surabaya)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – Indonesia has tons of kids friendly tourist destination including in Surabaya. Not only work as an industrial city, this place  also take kids' happiness as one of their consideration. No wonder that you will be able to find loads of place with this kind of feature.

These places were in form of a local educational tourism which will broaden you and your kids knowledge about the nature or history. On these places you will be brought to refresh your knowledge about the common understanding about the world. 

Your kids will also get some new knowledge that they can't get from school. It will surely bring some colors to their day and allow them to dig more of their comprehension.

As one of the biggest city in the country, Surabaya has had dozens of popular tourist destination with educational purposes. This places will be a great alternative to spend school holiday or weekend. 

Top 3 Kids Friendly Tourist Destinations in Surabaya

1. Surabaya Zoo

A zoo has always been an interesting place to go and let your children find out new real live animals instead of just watching it on the television. There they will learn to associate and identified several animal they have never seen before. 

This will be such a good experience to give to your kids especially when they live in big city. Not to mention those who lives in rural areas, in this zoo you will find some rare to endangered species like tiger, rhino, African elephant, and more. 

And may be if you were lucky you could take picture with one of the from a close distance. You could also feed some tame animal like giraffe and camel with the designated vegetables you could get from the nearby counter. 

2. The Sepuluh November Museum

The place offers historical value that can't be obtained somewhere else. Most of its collection related to the 10th November tragedy when the local community fight against the Dutch trooper back then. 

Bringing your children to this place will broaden their understanding and raised their empathy towards the struggle of former Surabaya citizen in taking back the city from the colonial hand. This will also make them learn to appreciate their ancestor as well the older in day now. 

3. Mini Agrowisata

This destinations allowed the children to get closer with the nature. Though the place is not that large but you could do several activities and enjoy the nature. You could take your kids to identify some variety of vegetables and flowers.

Not to mention the nice activity you can do like feeding the chicken on their farm or feed the fish. A thing that you can do in the big city especially when you don't have much space on your property and want an immaculate look for your house. 

All these kids friendly tourist destination in Surabaya will bring some new information especially to your kids. These places will also bring an old memories when your parents bring you to these kind of places for the first time. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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