English 1 Abad NU

1 Abad NU: This is What Jokowi Says

Selasa, 07 Februari 2023 - 16:25 | 97.88k
Jokowi, the President of Indonesia give his opening speech on 1 Abad NU. (Photo: Aditya/TIMES Indonesia)
Jokowi, the President of Indonesia give his opening speech on 1 Abad NU. (Photo: Aditya/TIMES Indonesia)

1 Abad NU

TIMESINDONESIA, SIDOARJO – The President of Indonesia Joko Widodo which also well known as Jokowi attending the celebration of 1 Abad NU or 100 years of NU on the due date. This event is held today Tuesday (7/2/2023) at Gelora Stadium, Sidoarjo.

During the occasion, the president delivered some speech to light up the spirit of Nahdlatul Ulama for all the participants. He expected that Nahdlatul Ulama will be able to bring the country one step ahead in the international level. 

He also hope that NU will put more attentions to the young generation and give them some boost to willing to learn about modern technology especially digital technology. This will surely give some benefit to the country.

"As one of the biggest organization in the world, Nahdlatul Ulama has a chance to contribute for the world, and the government t would thankful for PBNU way in achieving a better world civilization and noble," Jokowi said during the opening ceremony of 1 Abad NU on Tuesday (7/2/2023).

For all this long, Nahdlatul Ulama has helped to keep the national security and the member of the organization has given such a good example in uniting all the community in the country. 

"NU has strengthen the community resilience in dealing several issues. (Like) during the pandemic, facing some radical movements, including stepping away from extremism and politic identity," Jokowi added. 

He expects that Nahdlatul Ulama will support their member be able to read what will happen in the future and prepare themselves for it. Especially about the technology development and economic transformation. "And to maintain a just and civilized social order," he said further. 

In his speech Jokowi also has such huge expectation towards the next Nahdlatul Ulama generation to prepare themselves in dealing with the newest technology and master it. By being some professionals in technology it will give some benefit to themselves and the country. 

On his speech, Jokowi also talk about Eastern manners. The good manners should have been taught and pass to the ne generation for the good sake of all. "Ahlussunnah wal jamaah manner should be applied while trying to master the science and technology," he added.

Last but not least, Jokowi stated his wish for the 1 Abad NU. He hope that this event will become a milestone for the raise of Nahdlatul Ulama and strengthen the basic of Islam in the country to bring a better Indonesia. 

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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