TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – In the middle of January 2023, AMRO Institute founder and President Director of PT AMA Ge Recta Geson paid a visit to Japan in order to meet world-renowned microbiology expert, Professor Teruo Higa.
The microbiology maestro devised solutions for the world’s crucial environmental problems. He solved the issue of handling radioactive, nuclear waste through natural processes. Other matters which he has also solved are those in the environmental, health, agricultural, and horticultural fields.
This is all thanks to EM (Effective Microorganism) Technology which Professor Higa invented, which immortalized his name in the science of microbiota and microorganisms.
So, how did Recta and Professor Higa’s meeting go? Which topics came up in their conversation? The following article recounts Recta’s visit to Okinawa.
Wednesday, 24th January 2023, 2:30 PM (JST). As we landed at Naha airport, Okinawa from Tokyo, we were welcomed by the staff of EMRO (Effective Microorganism Research Organization), and soon after drove us to meet Professor Higa in his office which houses a banana farm.
Less than an hour later, we arrived at our destination to find out that Professor Higa himself had been waiting there to welcome us.
The banana farm seemed to flourish with lush greenery everywhere. The view, as I remembered it, gave out a relaxing and cool feeling.
“EM probiotics which are applied in farms serve to keep the soil’s fertility and sustainability. Surely, the DNA from EM probiotics brings out a pleasant and peaceful feeling,” claimed EMRO founder Professor Higa.
“Even if a storm rains over Naha city, we are safe from it as long as we are under the farm, due to the EM probiotics’ DNA which is able to absorb and neutralize all incoming negative energy,” added Professor Higa.
While donning his farming attire, we were given a tour of his 15-year-old banana farm. Afterwards, alongside 7 others from my group, I was taken to his narrow office nearby the farm.
Taking a look around the office’s interior made me realize that this is the place where the avant-garde Professor Higa usually conducts his webinars during the pandemic days.
Professor Higa displays himself as a down-to-earth person. He is not willing to be known by his Professor or “boss” title, but rather as a farmer. The EM inventor gave an exemplary model of simplicity and humility, even considering the fact that his company, EMRO, owns the hotel EM Wellness Resort, which is 7 stories high and houses 200 rooms, as well as a grandiose office building that serves as EMRO’s headquarters right next to the resort.
Professor Higa’s Bouts with Nuclear Waste
During our conversation, Professor Higa, who is also a teaching professor at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, gave us a lecture about EM technology’s application in various fields. These fields include agriculture, horticulture, husbandry, healthcare, and even nuclear waste treatment, a field that direly needs attention and progress.
EM technology rapidly offset radioactive matter from the Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion caused by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami and earthquake. “By spraying EM probiotics, the town of Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, was quicker when it comes to recovery and settlement clearance compared to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which fell victim to atomic bomb attacks during World War 2,” explained Professor Higa.
This method is also being applied to nuclear waste treatment in Southern Belarus which suffered from nuclear fallout due to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine.
Toward the end of the meeting, Professor Higa gave us a masterclass on health. He states that the human body houses a microbial ecosystem, essentially the same as a farm. This microbial community made up of bacteria, fungi, and viruses make up the microbiota. The microbiota regulates the ecological function of a farm, whereas it regulates the physiological function of the human body.
When we look at the quantitative comparison of bacterial and human cells in the body, we are only composed of 10% human cells and 90% bacterial cells. Moreover, viral cells in the body outnumber human cells greatly by a ratio of 50 viral cells to 1 human cell.
Astonishingly, the number of microbial genes/ DNA greatly outnumbers our human genes. The total amount of human genes inside our bodies only makes up less than 0.5% of all the genes in our bodies, which means more than 99.5% of genes in the body belong to microbes!
“We can conclude that functionally, we can exist because of our microbiota. Therefore, it is important to take care of the diversity and balance of our microbiota so that it can bring the host (us humans) all sorts of health benefits,” Professor Higa asserted.
Before we left, Professor Higa left an advice for everyone back in the motherland, Indonesia, which is to consume PRO EM•1 and EM products until we all feel the benefits to our health and well-being. This advice is true as consumers who consume PRO EM•1 routinely have reported various health benefits.
I can also testify that my routine consumption of PRO EM•1 twice a day, once after breakfast and dinner, has protected me from even the most common of diseases, such as flu and diarrhea, for more than 3 years.
On another note, the world’s (and even Indonesia’s) concept of health has shifted from a curative to a preventative standpoint. This paradigm change has us demanding medicine that keeps us healthy instead of medicine for cures.
Consuming PRO EM•1 essentially builds an investment toward our health to prevent fatal illnesses or conditions, such as coronary heart disease, strokes, and cancer, that require great quantities of money for healthcare and medicine in the future.
A healthy person is not only free from ailments, but also fit, energetic, intelligent, creative, innovative, and remarkable people.
After wrapping up our meeting at 6:30 PM (JST), we were taken to EM Wellness Resort where we had our dinner and rest for the night.
PRO EM•1 is a health supplement licensed by Okinawa, Japan-based EMRO which contains live probiotics alongside active metabolites with a long-lasting shelf life.
PRO EM•1 is made with natural ingredients 100% sourced from Indonesia and has acquired marketing authorization from BPOM as a certified supplement and Halal certification from LPPOM MUI. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Rifky Rezfany |