
Get a Closer Look to Tikel Balung, an Osing Traditional House

Selasa, 14 Februari 2023 - 01:28 | 81.63k
The tranquil look of Tikel Balung of Osing Tribe Banyuwangi. (Photo: Anggara Cahya/TIMES Indonesia)
The tranquil look of Tikel Balung of Osing Tribe Banyuwangi. (Photo: Anggara Cahya/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – You might have heard about Banyuwangi, a small city nestled in the most Eastern coast of Java Island. This city conceal thousands of attractive tourism object including Tikel Balung, the traditional house of Osing tribe.

This house was build not only as a place for shade but also based on the local wisdom. No wonder if every inch of it has certain philosophy. This makes the house look more special and unique, especially about marriage.


This traditional house was built of natural material. The pillars, the wall, floor and the roof had such interesting connection with the nature.  The simple design give such nice calming atmosphere for those who lives in it.

Rumah-Adat-Suku-Osing-cea2a331eb70ed56b.jpgThe part of Tikel Balung traditional house. (Photo: Pokdarwis Desa Kemiren for TIMES Indonesia) 

The Philosophy in Each Structure of Tikel Balung Traditional House of Osing

1. Pillars

The main pillars was made of huge wood which was located in each corner of the house. There are four main pillars which represents the number of parents in law of the mister and mistress of the house. 

Each pillars connects one another and strengthen the construction just the way the parent in laws supporting their child to keep the marriage stronger and commit to keep the family intact. 

2. Beams

The beams that connect the pillars shows how how they connects the two family into one stronger connection, a marriage. This beams  connected one another into one stronger structure. Meanwhile the end of the beam which is called as Penglari to remind the family to keep their parents advised before they marriage. 

3. Lambang

Lambang is wood located in the center to connects one beam to another and strengthen the structure so it will be equally strong. "Don't be hesitate and stay strong to take a decision to marry someone," Suhaimi, the Cultural Leader of Osing of Kemiren village Banyuwangi said. 

4. Suwunan

Suwunan will be the beam to support the top of the roof which located in the middle of the house. It shows how hard is a marriage yet suwunan supported by another beams could hold it stronger. And that's what a marriage couple should do, bear all the weight in life.

5. Ander

Ander is the two short beams lies vertically to support suwunan and connect to the beams. This show the marriage couple to be strong the the marriage won't shaking and stay strong.

6. Soko Tepas

Soko Tepas is the 4 pillars located on the terrace either the front or back porch to support the extended roof. This beams reminds them to their past ancestor who become their past and also the beginning of their future. 

7. Glandar

It is the beams that connect soko tepas together. It reminds the marriage couple to stay in line with what their elder  has advised them to about the life of marriage. 

8. The Roof

The roof consist of small beams called reng or estimation meaning to not to rush on everything and think it twice. Then the rab was all the roof sticked together, meaning that when you have been ready then you can 'rabi' or go married.

Meanwhile the name of several of the house also has special meaning. Just like the genteng (roof tiles) which means disonggo enteng or everything will be easy when people works together. Gedeg or the bamboo wall means to cover the marriage. 

All the part of the house then called as umah which came from the words uwonge gemah meaning the people live in expected to have prosperous life in the future. Beside Tikel Balung, Osing Tribe of Banuwangi also has another traditional house called Baresan and Crocogan. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur