
Discover more about the Culture of East Sumba at Raja Prailiu Village

Senin, 24 April 2023 - 00:34 | 44.73k
Weaving crafts at the East Sumba Gallery. (Photo: Habibudin/TIMES Indonesia)
Weaving crafts at the East Sumba Gallery. (Photo: Habibudin/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – If you want to learn about the culture of East Sumba, just visit Kampung Raja Prailiu, Kambera District, East Sumba Regency. The location is not far from the city of Waingapu.
There are many things you can discover in this place. The customs are still strongly used in every community activity, such as welcoming guests with betel nuts.

You can also see traditional houses with different meanings that can be seen from the shape of the roof, megalithic graves, and also typical Sumba weaving. If you are lucky you can also witness certain traditional ceremonies.


"There are many things we can learn in Raja Prailiu Village," said a traditional village figure of East Sumba, Rambu Ana, Sunday (16/4/2023).

According to her, this place used to be one of the kingdoms in the area. The remaining traces of the kingdom are still clearly recorded through its peculiarities such as its buildings, megalithic graves, typical Sumbanese weavings, and other unique traditions.

One of the unique habits of the local community was if  there were guests arrive, they will always be served betel nut because serving betel nut is a special dish which is a form of service which until now the custom is still maintained.

A Brief History of Raja Prailiu Village

The traditional village of Raja Prailiu, also commonly called Praing Prailiu Village, was previously led by King Umbu Njaka. But after his death in 2008 until now there has been no appointment of a new king. Nevertheless, the local community still continue their traditional beliefs.

"When viewed from the history of kingdoms on Sumba Island, it is still part of the Lewa Kambera kingdom and the capital of the last era of the Lewa Kambera kingdom, which during the Dutch colonial times was called Swaparaja," he said.

Rambu Ana said that the throne of King Prailiu was not always passed on to the direct descendants of the previous kings. When the Dutch colonials were still ruling the archipelago, for example, the grandfather of Tamu Umbu Njaka once refused to rule but in the end, the Prailiu called his cousin from Lewa, East Sumba Regency to take the reign.

"Currently there are still direct descendants of the King of Lewa Kambera who inhabit Raja Prailiu Village or are the heirs of the Lewa Kambera kingdom such as Tamu Umbu Pingi Ai and his brother Tamu Umbu Nggaba Rihi Eti of the Lewa Kambera Kingdom," explained Rambu Ana.
Raja Prailiu Village, East Sumba (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan