
Find the Story Behind Indonesian Flag: Sang Saka Merah Putih

Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2023 - 06:08 | 445.03k
A man holding Indonesian flag on his hand. (Photo: Odua/Freepik)
A man holding Indonesian flag on his hand. (Photo: Odua/Freepik)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The Indonesian flag, known as Sang Saka Merah Putih, holds a significant place in the heart of every Indonesian citizen. It represents the nation's unity, struggle for independence, and the spirit of its people. The Indonesian flag is displayed prominently on various occasions, with August 17th being the most significant day when it is celebrated nationwide.

The flag is proudly raised in public spaces, government buildings, and even in private homes, signifying the respect and love for the country. As a national symbol, it is essential to understand and abide by the protocols and etiquettes associated with the flag. The flag should be handled with care and respect, and specific guidelines for its display, storage, and usage should be followed.


Design of the Indonesian Flag

The Indonesian flag features a simple yet powerful design, consisting of two horizontal bands of colors. The top band is red, while the bottom band is white. These colors hold profound meanings, representing the bravery and sacrifice of the nation's heroes (red) and the purity and peace sought for the nation (white).

Historical Significance

The Indonesian flag was first introduced on August 17, 1945, when Indonesia proclaimed its independence from Dutch colonization. It was raised and hoisted for the first time in Jakarta by Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia, and Mohammad Hatta, the first Vice President. The flag became the symbol of the nation's newfound independence and its aspiration for a brighter future.

Symbolism of the Red and White

The red color of the Indonesian flag signifies the bloodshed and sacrifices made by the nation's heroes during the long struggle for independence. It stands as a reminder of the courage and determination of the Indonesian people in their fight against colonial rule.

On the other hand, the white color represents purity, honesty, and peace. It symbolizes the nation's aspiration for harmony, unity, and tolerance among its diverse population.

As citizens of Indonesia, it is our duty to cherish and respect our flag as a symbol of our identity and national pride. May the red and white continue to fly high, inspiring us to uphold the spirit of unity, diversity, and progress for generations to come.

The Indonesian flag, Sang Saka Merah Putih, embodies the nation's rich history, struggle for freedom, and the unity of its people. The red and white colors hold deep symbolism, reminding Indonesians of their courageous past and their aspirations for a peaceful and prosperous future.(*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.

Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok