Fauzul Azhim: A Glimpse of His Story Joining OIC Youth Day

TIMESINDONESIA, ANKARA – OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) which run under Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) held OIC Youth Day. Fauzul Adzim, the Chairman of the Indonesian National Youth Council (INYC) and 2 other Indonesian youngsters were appointed as three lucky persons to represent Indonesia during the occasion.
The event which was conducted on Sunday (3//9/2023) was organized by the OIC and ICYF with the help of Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports. It was held at the ministry's education facilities for three days in a row (3-5 September 20203).
This activity was attended by several high-ranking organizational officials and Turkish government officials. Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports H.E Dr. Safa Koçoğlu, ICYF President H.E. Taha Ayhan and Director General of Education, Research and Coordination at the Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports Erkan Samiloglu.
Not to mention the Director General of the Cabinet at the ICYF Secretariat Yunus Sönmez and President for Turks Abroad and Related Communities H.E. Mr. Abdullah Eren. Plus, OIC Director General of Cultural, Social, and Family Affairs H.E. Dr. Amina Obaid Al Hajri and Director General of SESRIC. H.E. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk attended this series of activities.
The first day of the event was filled with a seminar session on "Volunteerism" to instill a high spirit of sincerity in contributing on any occasion to the participants. On the second day, participants visited research institutions under the OIC, namely the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).
There, they held meetings with OIC officials and discussed youth growth in the OIC member countries. Apart from visiting SESRIC, the participants also visited the Turkish People's Representative Council Building or Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi to get to know the legislative activities taking place in Turkey. The third day was the peak event attended by the Deputy Minister Dr. Safa Koçoğlu and ICYF President Taha Ayhan.
The OIC Youth Day celebration was also attended by youth participants from various countries under the OIC member-state. A total of 52 participants consisting of 22 women and 30 men from 46 country representatives participated in this OIC youth event. Indonesia was represented by 3 young people, Fauzul Azhim, Arya Alifa Mukti and Hafiz M Farras as also a part of INYC.
The President of Indonesian Student Association in Turkiye 2022-2023 Fauzul Azhim said that this event was very important and had a positive impact on the development of youth and the future of the country.
“This is a positive event for us and our future as a young generation. Apart from knowledge and experience, we also obtain a high quality of international networks. They are all selected youth participants, and we are all fully funded here" Fauzul said.
In addition, he also said that youth hold an important role for a country. "We educate and prepare youth is how we design the future. So, we must give our attention to their development. We also would like to thank ICYF as a member organization of the OIC and the Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports for organizing this tremendous event" he added.
In line with this statement, the Director General of Culture, Social and Family, Y.M. Amina Obaid dhan Al Hairii in her opportunity encouraged young participants to be able to create their own challenges and opportunities to develop and maximize their existing potential.
"You as a young generation have 2 choices, whether to wait and face the existing challenges or create the challenges and opportunities itself. You must be able to create opportunities to develop your existing potential and maximize it" explained Dr. Amina.
Fauzul Adzim emphasized the significance of youth development in designing a prosperous future for the country and expressed gratitude for the event's organization. In the spirit of Dr. Amina's message, the youth are encouraged to embrace challenges and create opportunities to unlock their full potential, ensuring a brighter tomorrow.
Fauzul Adzim's participation in the OIC Youth Day event served as an invaluable opportunity for Indonesian youth to engage with international networks and gain essential knowledge and experience. This event, supported by ICYF and the Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports, not only promoted volunteerism but also encouraged young individuals to take an active role in shaping their future and their nation's destiny.
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |