
Sumber Umbulan: Exploring the Beauty of a Hidden Spring Water in Malang

Rabu, 01 November 2023 - 02:29 | 80.21k
Visitors from various regions enjoy the clarity and freshness at Sumber Umbulan, Tuesday (17/10/2023) (PHOTO: M. Ade Nur Alfian & Rohmatin Nazilah/TIMES Indonesia)
Visitors from various regions enjoy the clarity and freshness at Sumber Umbulan, Tuesday (17/10/2023) (PHOTO: M. Ade Nur Alfian & Rohmatin Nazilah/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGSumber Umbulan is a hidden tourist gem located in Lang Lang Village, Singosari, in Malang Regency. It is a must-visit water tourism destination for visitors due to its proximity to the city, only a 30-minute drive from Malang City. 

The water at Sumber Umbulan is really clean and clear, which is why it's popular among visitors. People love to come here to enjoy the beauty of this natural wonder and often stay longer.


"In the beginning, before the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2018, local residents took the initiative to transform Sumber Umbulan into a leading tourism destination," said Ikhsan Hadi, one of the administrators of Sumber Umbulan, Tuesday (17/10/2023). 

The Nature of The Spring Water

The name "Sumber Umbulan" is derived from the strong upward flow of the spring, which locals found reminiscent of something flying or "Kemebul" in Indonesian. Meanwhile, the word "Sumber" means spring water.

This natural wonder's breathtaking beauty makes this place an appealing spot for tourists seeking relaxation and the mesmerizing beauty of nature.

The spring water is open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. By this time the place will always be crowded with visitors. Visitors can also stop by the local warung or small restaurant to buy dishes and enjoy the scenery there. 

Ikhsan Hadi, one of the managers, mentioned that on weekdays, around 70 motorbikes or approximately 140 visitors typically come, and the numbers tend to be even higher on weekends. 

Good Management Brings More Visitors

What sets this place apart from other water attractions in my village is its excellent management and organization. Delifio, a student from Unitri state his amazement towards this destination. 

"Initially, I had modest expectations, thinking it would be just like any other water attraction. However, upon arrival, I was genuinely surprised by the unexpected beauty of this place," he said on Tuesday (17/10/2023). 

This indicates that Sumber Umbulan is highly recommended for a visit. Visitors can rest assured, as there are clear signs guiding them from the moment they enter Lang Lang Village, making it easy to find their way to Sumber Umbulan.

Needs More Touch

Many facilities are still not optimal. The visitor from the Unitri Campus also emphasized that there are still flaws that must be immediately realized by local parties, such as toilets and changing rooms. 

"There is hope," Ikhsan Hadi, one of the managers of Sumber Umbulan. He suggests that the government should regularly monitor many hidden tourist destinations like Sumber Umbulan. 

He pointed out that both Malang City and Malang Regency have numerous interesting places that rarely receive government attention. As a result, many people are unaware of the tourism potential these areas hold. 

Sumber Umbulan serves as a prime example, with considerable potential as an appealing water tourism spot. With the government's active involvement and supervision, places like Sumber Umbulan can be elevated and developed. This not only brings economic benefits but also promotes tourism, benefiting the local communities in the long run. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur