
Muhteşem Indonesia: A Cultural Extravaganza in the Heart of Turkey by PPI Sakarya

Senin, 27 November 2023 - 06:15 | 38.14k
Umbrella Dance or Tari Payung performed by the Indonesian students in Turkey. (FOTO: PPI Turki)
Umbrella Dance or Tari Payung performed by the Indonesian students in Turkey. (FOTO: PPI Turki)

TIMESINDONESIA, TURKI – In an enchanting display of cultural richness, the Indonesian Student Association of Sakarya (PPI Sakarya) captivated the audience in Turkey with a spectacular cultural performance (24/11/2023). The event, themed "Muhteşem Indonesia," unfolded at the Sakarya University Cultural and Congress Center in Sakarya, Turkey.

The chairman of the Indonesian Student Association or PPI Sakarya, Adam Syaikhul Akbar, expressed their desire to introduce Indonesian culture through mesmerizing dance and music. "Today, we want to showcase our culture through dance and song. In the future, we aim to promote our culture through various creative expressions," Akbar stated.

PPI-Sakarya-2.jpgSaman Dance, a tradiitonal dance of Aceh was performed at Muhteşem Indonesia by PPI Sakarya. (FOTO: PPI Turki)

The event commenced with a vibrant fashion show featuring the elegance of traditional Indonesian attire, setting the stage for a captivating cultural journey. The fashion showcase highlighted the diversity and beauty of Indonesian traditional clothing, showcasing the intricate designs and vibrant colors that represent the nation's cultural tapestry.

Following the fashion show, the audience was treated to a series of captivating dance performances that transported them to the various regions of Indonesia. From the traditional movements of Acehnese dance to the rhythmic and dramatic Kecak dance, the cultural showcase embraced the richness of Indonesian dance forms.

PPI-Sakarya.jpgThe folksong performed at Muhteşem Indonesia by PPI Sakarya look like a single concert. (FOTO: PPI Turki) 

The Jaipong dance, known for its dynamic movements and energetic beats, added a touch of traditional charm to the event. The graceful Payung dance, originating from Java, showcased the beauty of coordinated movements with umbrellas, while the vibrant Papuan dance reflected the cultural diversity of Indonesia.

One of the highlights of the evening was the mesmerizing display of Pencak Silat, a traditional Indonesian martial art. The martial arts performance not only demonstrated physical prowess but also showcased the rich cultural heritage embedded in Indonesian martial traditions.

Not to mention the outsatanding performance of the students singing local and tradisional folksong on the stage. At the end of the event, all the dancers gathered and collaborate to present a magnificent modern kontemporary dance which aww the audience.

Through this cultural extravaganza, PPI Sakarya which run under PPI Turki successfully brought a piece of Indonesia to Turkey, fostering cultural exchange and understanding between the two nations. The audience was not only entertained but also gained insight into the depth and diversity of Indonesian culture.

As PPI Sakarya continues its mission to promote Indonesian culture abroad, events like "Muhteşem Indonesia" serve as a bridge to connect people through the universal language of art and culture. The association hopes that such cultural initiatives will contribute to strengthening the bond between Indonesia and Turkey and pave the way for more collaborative endeavors in the future.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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