Empowering Families Cultivating a Culture of Reading
TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The family environment stands as the most conducive space for fostering reading habits. The cultivation of literacy within the family is of paramount importance as the initial step towards achieving Golden Indonesia.
This sentiment was conveyed by the Secretary-General of the Reading Interest Cultivation Movement (GPMB) for the 2023-2027 term, Nuradi Indra Wijaya, during a seminar themed "Cultivating Literacy Through Families Towards Golden Indonesia."
According to Nuradi, family literacy holds significant meaning because any individual's activities typically originate from the family. In this regard, family literacy is not only related to formal education but also involves the participation of communities and village libraries.
"In families, we must recognize the crucial role of the family in initiating something, especially in fostering interest and enthusiasm for reading. Family literacy serves as a strong entry point for driving the cultivation of reading interests," he expressed.
Nuradi also emphasized the importance of instilling reading habits within families. He mentioned that reading should not be limited to activities at school or formal education but should be integrated into daily life. To achieve this, he provided examples of reading methods that can enhance literacy potential within families.
"At present, we need to create reading rituals within families, such as reading books aloud, which can build character and reading interests among children. The habit of reading needs to be cultivated through various means, including the use of technology and the utilization of village libraries," he added.
Nuradi also urged for the strengthening of the Women's Empowerment and Family Welfare Movement (PKK) as drivers of literacy within communities. "The existence of village libraries is essential as a source of knowledge and provides literacy access to rural communities," he encouraged.
Similar sentiments were expressed by the Chairperson of GPMB for the 2023-2027 term, Herlina Mustikasari, regarding the development of village libraries as a means to bring literacy closer to the community.
"GPMB reading houses at the neighborhood level serve as platforms for developing literacy on the smallest scale. With this model, we hope to foster a family literacy culture based on community," she explained.
Furthermore, she elaborated that GPMB is committed to revitalizing and developing the organization down to the village level. They aim to set a beneficial example, even at the provincial level, with simple yet impactful programs.
"Our GPMB program in establishing reading houses at the neighborhood level is the first step towards creating a family literacy model that can be emulated and serves as a catalyst for enhancing literacy culture in society," Herlina clarified.
In developing literacy, GPMB also focuses on enhancing village libraries and bringing literacy access closer to schools. This is an essential step in supporting family literacy comprehensively.
"Our simple programs are expected to have a significant impact if all parties unite. Hopefully, we can collaborate to realize Golden Indonesia through family literacy," she continued.
Vice Chair of the Family Welfare Development Team of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Gusti Putri, emphasized that families have immense potential in developing literacy skills, which are crucial aspects of community life.
"Literacy is not just about reading and writing skills but also involves a range of essential skills in daily life," she stated.
She pointed out that the family is the primary educational center that plays a vital role in shaping children's character. "Literacy programs need to be promoted more vigorously so that their benefits can be optimized. In this effort, the potential of families plays a decisive role," she clarified.
Meanwhile, Literacy Musician Ferry Curtis shared his inspirational experience on how literacy can be strengthened through music.
Ferry Curtis shared his personal experience, starting from his love for music to the development of reading interests through his family's literary influence.
"The family is crucial because it forms the foundation of literacy, and music can be an effective means of promoting reading culture," he explained.
During the same event, Deputy Head of Library Resource Development of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas), Adin Bondar, inaugurated the Central Executive Board of GPMB for 2023-2027.
Deputy Adin stated that GPMB has made a significant contribution to the cultivation of reading interests and the strengthening of literacy culture in society.
"Cultivating reading interests is the shared responsibility of all components of the nation, not just the government. Therefore, I invite GPMB officials to continue supporting the social literacy movement as a strategic effort in building the nation's character," he emphasized.
Deputy Adin also stressed the significant role of families in the growth and development of children. Quoting a Chinese philosopher, he mentioned that a strong family will make the country strong.
"I hope the presence of GPMB officials can continue to make a positive contribution to advancing literacy and reading interests," he concluded.(*)
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Editor | : Imadudin Muhammad |
Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |