
UIN Malang being Flexible and Foster in Academic Excellence 

Jumat, 29 Maret 2024 - 00:54 | 15.89k
One of the building at UIN Malang. (Photo: Doc. TIMES Indonesia)
One of the building at UIN Malang. (Photo: Doc. TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – In a move aimed at providing flexibility and fostering academic excellence, the Arabic Language and Literature Program (BSA) at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN Malang) offers a unique freedom to its senior students. Unlike traditional norms, where students are required to submit a thesis for graduation, BSA allows its students to replace the conventional thesis with a journal. 

Dr. Abdul Basid, S.S., M.Pd, the Head of the BSA Program, emphasized that prior to this initiative, extensive discussions and orientations were conducted with senior students. These sessions guided students in making informed decisions regarding their final academic projects, whether it be a thesis or a journal. 

"We invited students to share their thoughts on suitable topics for their final projects, whether in the form of a thesis or a journal," he stated. 

This freedom of choice, coupled with proactive guidance, reflects the program's commitment to ensuring timely graduation for its students. Basid further highlighted that by allowing students to select the type of final project, they are encouraged to engage in thorough and innovative research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their field. 

"Choosing topics that are relevant and innovative is crucial. We also provide recommendations on pertinent research themes, as well as topics that students should avoid," he added. 

Dr. Halimi, M.Pd., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Humanities, emphasized the importance of strategic planning for sixth-semester students to ensure timely completion of their studies. 

"Both journals and theses possess distinct characteristics. It is advisable to prepare thoroughly, especially since it's still early in the process," he advised. 

Ultimately, regardless of the students' choice for their final projects, the emphasis lies in approaching the task diligently. UIN Malang hopes that these endeavors will not only contribute positively to academic discourse but also have a lasting impact on the respective fields of study within each program. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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