
Nowruz: And The Spring Comes To The Clean Souls

Kamis, 28 Maret 2024 - 19:00 | 24.34k
Haft Seen.  (Courtesy of Mr. Ebrahimi, Iranian Cultural Attache)
Haft Seen. (Courtesy of Mr. Ebrahimi, Iranian Cultural Attache)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – I know Iran and its tradition since 12 years, though for somehow I have not been in Iran, my heart has been captivated since I had read the glamorous story of the Persian Bobles back in 1987.

It was in 2014 when I accidentally met a beautiful young woman in one fashion show in Jakarta. She was attractive with her blond hair and beautiful eyes. I assumed her as Iranian. Yes she was when I asked her country of origin.


We became good friends and one day she invited me and my best friend to come for a special Iranian dinner at her place in South Jakarta.

We talked many subjects including Nowruz, a Persian New Year.
She lives now in Tehran and our memories left in Jakarta.

Nowruz holidays have just finished last Monday as Nowruz is the symbol of new life in Spring.

Spring is always as the most wonderful season in all year. Everyone feels grateful to the Almighty God after the white cold Winter. 

Daisy bloom and the people finally feel warmer.
In Korea, they call Jinhae for Spring festival while in Japan, they say Matsuri.
In Iran and other countries in Central Asia and Caucus region, people celebrate Spring festival called Nowruz or Novruz. It is a symbol of purification day for the Iranians. 

It is the most widely celebrated holidays in the Islamic Republic of Iran long predates the present official religion.

Back to more than 2000 years ago in Persepolis, the ancient Persian capital where Nowruz may have been observed. Nowruz or Nowrooz literally means New Day in Farsi, marks the first day of Spring and the Persian New Year deeply rooted in the rituals and tradition of the Zoroastrian as the religion of ancient Persian in the 7th century AD before Islam came.

Zoroastrianism, an ancient monotheistic faith which is still practised by some 25.000 Iranian.

This year, Nowruz festival has celebrated since 20-21 March 2024 at 10.06 am. It was considered as the last day of the year or called as Chahar Shanbeh Soori where the Iranians set up fires in public places and leap over the flames in a ritual, thought to ensure for having a good health for the year. People sing along and jump over the fire and to take back their silky pallor.

Nowruz is holiday for everyone on the Spring Equinox in Iran and other countries celebrating the same respectively, and the holiday will include many stages and weeks of preparation.

A special soup consisting of roasted garbanzo beans and other tasty nuts, dried figs, apricots and raisin is made and later distributed while making good wish for the coming year. Nowruz is holiday for everyone on the Spring Equinox in Iran and other countries celebrating the same respectively, and the holiday will include many stages and weeks of prepaaration.

Iranians start cleaning their homes and this annual spring cleaning known as Khoneh Takooni or shaking the house. Family will be busy washing the rugs and windows as it literally means to throw away the bad spirit and welcome the new spirit of Spring. Parents will be busy buying new clothes for children and spend money for buying gold fish and other specific items related to the preparation of Haft Seen, a table setting with mostly 7 specific items corresponded to one of the seven creations and the seven holy immortals protecting them. In the present time, they are changed and modified and kept the symbolism.

All the 7 specific items start with Letter as for Sib (apple), Sabzeh (sprout wheat green grass) for rebirth and renewal, Serkeh (vinager) for patience and wisdom gained through aging, Samanoo (a meal made out of wheat) for affluence and fertility, Senjed (a special kind of berry) for love, Seer (garlic) for medicine and maintaining good health, and Somagh or crushed spice made from reddish berries for recalling the sunrise. In today's Nowruz table setting, Iranians consider to have the ritual of growing seven seeds as reminder that this is the resurrection and eternal life to come.

Sabze or wheat or lentil representing new growth is grown in a flat dish a few days before the New Year and it is decorated with colorful ribbons and is kept until the 13th day of New Year.

Other additional items are placed beautifully on the the spread called Sofreh like Mirror, placed on the spread or Sofreh with lit candles as symbol of fire to reflect on the previous year. Live gold fish in a bowl to represent new life and will be kept after the celebration. Orange in a bowl to symbolize the Earth. Decorated eggs as for the fertility. Coins are place for gaining the prosperity in the future and Holy Qoran placed on Sofreh in order to bless the New Year.

Norooz Pirooz !


by: Nia S. Amira

Senior journalist at Times Indonesia

She is a distinguished author, journalist and linguist from Indonesia. She writes on cultural, international affairs, multicultarism and religious studies. Her articles have appeared in over thirty newspapers that are published in Europe, Asia and United States.

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Editor : Wahyu Nurdiyanto
Publisher : Rizal Dani