
Guava Juice vs Dengue: The Health Benefit

Selasa, 02 April 2024 - 09:19 | 50.44k
Guava Juice vs Dengue
Guava Juice vs Dengue
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – As cases of Dengue fever continue to rise, particularly during the transition between seasons, experts are exploring supplementary measures to bolster the body's defenses against this mosquito-borne illness. While it's essential to emphasize that Guava juice is not a primary treatment for Dengue fever, it does offer some benefits that can complement the main therapies prescribed by doctors.

Dr. Ngabila, a medical expert based in Jakarta, stresses the importance of understanding that Guava juice should be considered an additional measure rather than a standalone treatment for Dengue fever. This clarification comes amidst the surge in Dengue cases in the capital during the transitional period.


Potential Benefits 

According to Dr. Ngabila, Guava juice contains antioxidants that help combat inflammation, which is a significant factor in the reduction of platelet levels—a common symptom of Dengue fever. Furthermore, the flavonoid quercetin found in Guava juice has been shown to inhibit the replication of the Dengue virus within the body, thereby preventing a further decline in platelet count.

Moreover, extracts from Guava leaves have been found to hinder the growth of the Dengue virus in the body. This additional defense mechanism contributes to preventing the progression of the illness.

Another crucial aspect highlighted by Dr. Ngabila is Guava juice's potential to prevent bleeding by increasing platelet levels by 100,000 per microliter within 16 hours—a significant benefit in Dengue treatment.

Not the Mian Treatment

However, it's important to reiterate that the primary treatment for Dengue fever involves fluid replacement therapy and addressing inflammation. Guava juice should only be considered as a supplementary measure to support these primary treatments.

Dr. Ngabila also cautions against consuming packaged juices, as they may contain high levels of sugar and preservatives that are not beneficial for the body.

In conclusion, while Guava juice offers potential benefits in strengthening the body's defense against Dengue fever, it should be viewed as part of a comprehensive approach to treatment and prevention. As the fight against Dengue continues, it's crucial for individuals to adhere to the advice of healthcare professionals and take necessary precautions to mitigate the risk of infection. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki