English Info Haji 2024

Kemenag RI Launches Innovative "Kawal Haji" App for Indonesian Pilgrims

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2024 - 01:16 | 20.12k
Rhe pilgrim using Kawal Haji app on their phone. (PHOTO: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)
Rhe pilgrim using Kawal Haji app on their phone. (PHOTO: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

Info Haji 2024

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Management at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI) has launched a groundbreaking application named "Kawal Haji". This innovative app aims to assist Indonesian Hajj pilgrims and their families back home by facilitating reporting and monitoring during the pilgrimage.

The "Kawal Haji" app can be downloaded from the PlayStore, providing easy access to Hajj-related information and services.

How to Use

According to the official Instagram account @informasihaji of Kemenag RI, the app is user-friendly. Here are the steps for usage:

For Hajj Pilgrims:

1. Download the "Kawal Haji" app from the PlayStore.
2. Register as a pilgrim by entering your passport number.
3. Once registered, you can report various issues such as transportation delays, catering problems, or getting lost.

For Pilgrims' Families:

1. Download the "Kawal Haji" app from the PlayStore.
2. Register using an active email, without needing a passport number.
3. Families can use the app to report and monitor the conditions of the pilgrims.

Features and Benefits of the Kawal Haji App

The "Kawal Haji" app is designed to facilitate reports from pilgrims and their families. Reports submitted through the app will be forwarded by the admin to relevant departments within the Pilgrimage Organizing Committee (PPIH) in Saudi Arabia for follow-up.

Advantages of the Kawal Haji App

This app has several advantages. Reports received will be promptly addressed by PPIH Saudi Arabia, ensuring issues are resolved quickly. Pilgrims and their families can monitor the status of reports in real-time through the app, providing peace of mind during the pilgrimage.

Pilgrims need only to enter their name and passport number to activate the app, while families can register with an active email.

The app also allows for reporting various issues such as lost items, missing persons, and health problems. Pilgrims are given a card with a barcode to easily identify the location of their hotel and maktab if they get lost.

With the "Kawal Haji" app, it is hoped that pilgrims can perform their Hajj duties with more peace of mind and focus, while families at home can feel more secure by being able to monitor the pilgrims' conditions. This app also provides an opportunity for prospective pilgrims to convey complaints and issues that may arise during the Hajj.

The "Kawal Haji" app by Kemenag RI represents a significant step in leveraging technology to enhance Hajj services. With its user-friendly features and tangible benefits, this app is expected to be an effective tool in ensuring the safety and comfort of Hajj pilgrims in 2024. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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