
Fort Tahula: A Historical Trail that Holds Stories in North Maluku

Selasa, 12 November 2024 - 00:41 | 28.22k
The beautiful ambiance of Fort tahula from top. (Photo: dangdute03/Pinterest)
The beautiful ambiance of Fort tahula from top. (Photo: dangdute03/Pinterest)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAFort Tahula, a historical site located in North Maluku, not only offers stunning views but also holds a rich historical story. The fort is one of the silent witnesses of the long journey of the Indonesian nation, especially in the context of the struggle against colonialism.

In this interview with Nina, a student from North Maluku, she shares her views and experiences on the importance of Fort Tahula as part of her region's cultural heritage.


Brief History

Fort Tahula was built in the 17th century by the Dutch as part of their efforts to control the spice trade routes in the region. Nina explains, “This fort not only served as a defense, but also as a residence for the colonizers.” The fort's sturdy architecture with thick brick walls and strategic design suggests strength and resilience designed to protect against enemy attacks.

With its strategic geographical location, Fort Tahula offers a beautiful view of the sea. The structure of the building, which is still preserved today, is a special attraction for tourists and historical researchers. “Every corner of this fort holds a story, from defense to the daily life of the colonizers,” Nina added.

The Role in Local History

Fort Tahula has an important role in local history, especially in the context of the struggle of the people of North Maluku. Nina said, “This fort became a symbol of resistance to colonization. Many battles took place around this area, and local people fought to defend their homeland.”

Apart from being a battleground, the fort also became a center of social and cultural activities. Over time, the local community used the area around the fort to gather and celebrate various events. “Fort Tahula is not only a place of history, but also a place where we keep our traditions and culture,” says Nina.

Efforts to Preserve and Promote Tourism

Seeing the potential of Fort Tahula as a tourist destination, various preservation and promotion efforts have been made. The local government together with the local community are working to maintain and restore this building so that it continues to stand strong. “We really hope that more people know about this fort and visit it. It's part of our identity," Nina explains. 

Cultural events and festivals are often held around Fort Tahula to attract visitors. By involving the local community, these events not only introduce the history of the fort, but also preserve existing traditions and culture. “We want the younger generation to recognize and love our historical heritage,” Nina adds.

Fort Tahula is one of the invaluable historical heritages in North Maluku. Through Nina's experiences and insights, we can see how important the fort is not only as a historical place, but also as a symbol of struggle and identity for the local community.

With proper preservation efforts, Fort Tahula is expected to continue to be a source of inspiration for future generations.

Writer: Amelia Khiliatul Rosida 

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok