
Impactful Steps for a Sustainable Coastline: Clean Up and Dissemination in Muaragembong

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2024 - 03:55 | 81.66k
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BEKASI – Mangrove forests play a crucial role forcoastal protectors and also as vital habitats for various forms of life. Unfortunately, themangrove forests in Muaragembong, Bekasi, over covered by waste in from the watersaround Jakarta and nearby areas and it will posing a threat to its preservation.

In a concrete step toward fostering a greener planet, Amazon Web Services (AWS) andGreeneration Foundation organized a Clean Up and Dissemination event as part of the “EcoRanger Muaragembong X AWS 2.0” project. 


This initiative was running since 2022, aimsto enhance local capacity and provide community-based waste management facilities in Muaragembong, Bekasi.

This event began with a clean-up activity in the Saung Alas mangrove conservation area,accessible only by boat. During this activity, the team successfully collected around 500 kg ofwaste from the mangrove area

The event continued with the Launch of the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Center and a symbolic
mangrove planting in Kampung Gaga conservation area, Desa Pantai Mekar. 

This event was opened with remarks by Hidayah Lubis as Community Engagement Manager at AWS, who
stated, “The collaboration between AWS and GF has been ongoing since 2022, leading to the
establishment of Saung Mekar Bersih as a waste management facility in Muaragembong.
We hope these facilities will continue to provide meaningful benefits to the local

There are also several local community leaders attended this event, including Dr.Sukarmawan, M.Pd. (Muaragembong Subdistrict Head), Mika Agustina (Chief OperatingOfficer of Greeneration Foundation), and Darman (Local Advisor at Sentra Kelola SampahEcoRanger Muaragembong). 

The establishment of the BSF Center aims to serve as a hub fororganic waste management to mitigate organic waste accumulation in landfills. Environmental activist such as Suparno Jumar (River Defender), Giri Marhara (Marhara theSanitizer), and Maya Lynn (National Chairperson of Clean Energy Generation) helpedpromote this initiative through their social media channels.

At the end of the event, Suparno Jumar, also known as Pakde Parno, expressed his concernsabout the waste discovered during the clean-up, stating, “The population is increasing dayby day, and the consumption as well. When this consumption is wrapped in inorganicmaterials, especially plastic, it leaves a significant issue, as we’ve seen today. Let’s worktogether to manage the waste we produce, especially young people who need to be pioneersin this effort.”

The activities finished with a visit to Saung Mekar Bersih, where participants received atutorial on creating rosters from multilayer plastic packaging. The rosters, crafted byresidents of Desa Pantai Mekar, have passed SNI quality standards and are used for bothpersonal needs and sale to the wider community. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rifky Rezfany