Reasons Why Pulau Merah Beach Banyuwangi could Welcome More Tourists

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – During the New Year celebration, Pulau Merah Beach of Banyuwangi has received some more attention from the tourists. It was shown from the large number of the tourist visit to this place during the time till now.
For your information, there has been 25 percent more tourist visit this place since the new year. They mostly came to this place on the weekend or during national holiday.
The Head of local Pokdarwis or Tourism Awareness Community of Pulau Merah, Poniran said that they were blessed with the raising number of visitors coming to their place. It helps them a lot to survive after the hard days the have during the pandemic.
The Road Reconstruction Helps the Surge of Tourist
The local government has thought to mend the public facilities especially road construction. For this long the road was merely made out of coral and mud which make it somehow feel terrible to pass by.
The construction has been started since the middle of 2022. And it was finished by the end of the year. The government choose Rigid Pavement to make the road more comfortable for the tourists.
This road connects Sumbberagung and Sumbermulyo village which located near the Pulau Merah Beach. Not only around these two villages, the local government has also think of turning the city into a beautiful tourist friendly city.
It was known that since 2021 till this day, the local government of Banyuwangi has construct around 10 kilometers road in total around the city. This was just to ease the tourist accessing the local tourist destination around this Balmbangan city.
The local community give a positive feedback towards the construction. They were so happy that the road has been able to gain more attention from the visitors toward their area especially Pulau Merah Beach.
With all these being said, this construction aroundPulau Merah Beach of Banyuwangi will give more benefit either for the local community and the tourist. "We hope that there will be no crucial issue during the construction so that the community could get the benefit from it," Widjaja ended.
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Rizal Dani |