Insights from Shanghai University’s Modern Field 2024: Modern Nanzhuang Rural Art Corridor Plan" for Village Development in Indonesia

Jumat, 03 Januari 2025 - 14:15 | 23.63k
The Green House transformed into a Venue at the Modern Art Field event.
The Green House transformed into a Venue at the Modern Art Field event.
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, SHANGHAI – The Shanghai University of Fine Arts (SAFA) recently unveiled an ambitious project titled Modern Field 2024: Modern Nanzhuang Rural Art Corridor Plan. Officially launched on October 8, 2024, the project’s public exhibition will open on November 22 in Shanghai. 

This initiative aims to integrate local culture with modern artistic elements as part of China’s broader national strategy for rural revitalization.


In collaboration with leading art academies across China and local communities, SAFA is transforming the Nanzhuang Road area in Fengxian District, Shanghai, into a vibrant rural art corridor. The project engages artists and students from various institutions to promote meaningful urban-rural dialogue through art while presenting an innovative framework for rural development.

A Model for Rural Development in Indonesia

Modern-Art-Field-event.jpgTen university representatives participating in art installations at the Modern Art Field event.

Indonesia can draw valuable lessons from SAFA’s Modern Field 2024 initiative. By blending art with rural empowerment, the project showcases a method of revitalizing villages that aligns well with Indonesia’s abundant cultural heritage. This art-based approach could significantly enhance culturally-driven rural development programs in Indonesian villages.

Integrating Art into Daily Village Life


The Modern Field 2024 project introduces interactive art experiences in villages such as Jianghai, Shenlu, and Liudun. These areas now feature unique art galleries, rural theater performances, and installations merging traditional values with contemporary artistic practices. The initiative enriches daily village life and attracts visitors, fostering both cultural pride and economic opportunity.

This approach resonates with Indonesia’s goals of empowering communities through arts and culture. By integrating art into the fabric of village life, communities can strengthen intergenerational connections and preserve traditional values amidst rapid modernization.

Building Creative Village Identities


SAFA’s project merges education, cultural enrichment, and sustainable development. It involves students in creating art while empowering local communities to actively participate in rural revitalization. 

This model offers valuable insights for Indonesia, where university-led community service programs could implement similar initiatives in villages near campuses.

Exploring Opportunities for Indonesia


Inspired by Modern Field 2024, Indonesia could foster collaborations between the arts, architecture, and local communities to transform rural areas into creative and competitive spaces. Villages with distinct cultural or craft traditions could become vibrant destinations, offering real-world learning opportunities for students while benefiting local economies.

The project highlights the importance of cross-sector collaboration involving local governments, universities, and communities. It serves as a compelling example for Indonesia to design impactful, sustainable rural development programs that leverage cultural and creative assets. (*)


*) Oleh: Daniel Septian, Dosen Vokasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

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Editor : Wahyu Nurdiyanto
Publisher : Rizal Dani