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Exclusive Mentai Rice Delivery by Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro

Kamis, 15 Juli 2021 - 04:34 | 57.77k
The newly launched menu at Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro. (PHOTO: Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro for TIMES Indonesia)
The newly launched menu at Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro. (PHOTO: Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTAHorison Ultima Riss Malioboro is launching their new menu. This menu will be delivered directly to the doorsteps of their customers in Yogyakarta who stay at home or work from home.

The Public Relations Manager of Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro, Threanekke Octa P., said that they present this program as a form of support to the government’s new policy to prevent the spread of Covid-19, PPKM Darurat (the emergency restriction of community activities). 

“This new program is called Santan To Go. Santan is the name of the restaurant in Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro, which is located on the first floor,” said Threanekke Octa P, who is also known as Tere.

Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro 1Mushroom Satay (PHOTO: Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro for TIMES Indonesia)

Santan To Go serves a wide variety of modern menu, such as Mentai Rice. Mentai or mentaiko is a Japanese food derived from fish roe mixed with mayonnaise. It has a creamy texture that will melt inside your mouth. This kind of food is famous among Japanese people.

Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro serves several choices of Mentai Rice, such as Chicken Mentai Rice, Fish Mentai Rice, Beef Mentai Rice, and Seafood Mentai Rice. 

In addition to that, Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro also serves healthy foods with low calories, suitable for anyone who wants to have a healthier diet. These healthy foods include Mushroom Burger, Mushroom Satay, Pesto Spaghetti and Tuna Roll Sandwich.

Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro 2Beef Mentai Rice (PHOTO: Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro for TIMES Indonesia)

Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro also serves many traditional Indonesian foods. This four-star hotel serves Ayam Bumbu Kluwak, Ayam Habang Madu, Ayam Balacan, Ayam Blakutak, Ayam Asam Madu, Bebek Goreng Rempah, Bebek Bacem, and Blackpepper Beef. 

The dishes mentioned above are exclusively prepared for a delivery service by Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro for only IDR 25,000 to IDR 35,000 per portion. 

You can make your order by Whatsapp at 0858-0399-6184 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro 3Mushroom Burger (PHOTO: Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro for TIMES Indonesia)

For further information, please visit the official Instagram account of Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro @horisonrissmalioboro. This hotel is located on Jalan Gowongan Kidul 33-49, Yogyakarta. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Satria Bagus


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